Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Running? Really?

I don't enjoy running.
I'd almost go so far as to say I hate running.

What normal person actually enjoys slamming their knee joints together and having their lungs burn so much that you try to cough them up? I don't understand people who run mile after mile multiple times a week.

BUT I'm going to do it; I'm going to try running.

I don't like the pain, but I LOVE to feel the burn. The burn that tells you that you actually did something with yourself. The burn that says, "Good job! You may have a chance of getting rid of those love handles!"... That's a good burn; That's a burn I can understand!

I can speed walk for hours. for miles. every day. no problem. But running? that's going to take some work. I'm so sick of this extra "jiggle" - or my "big bones" as my husband jokes in order to try to make me feel better (which of course does NOT work but I'd be hurt if he didn't at least try!! ha!). So my sister-in-law suggested we do a 5k. At first, I immediately thought "NO WAY" in my head. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it would be a faster resolution to my flub-issues than just walking! And I need to lose this extra weight BEFORE I gain baby weight and NEVER have the body I've always wanted! So my SIL, E, and my other friend, J, and I are going to do it! The good part is that we'll be keeping each other accountable by showing up at each other's houses and pushing ourselves out the door together! Add the fact that we will be able to hang out and chat multiple times a week, BONUS!

We have 12 weeks - through July 17th to train. It's only 3.2 miles - which doesn't sound like much, but IT IS to someone who doesn't run! I think we can do it (I think I can, I think I can...). I researched a plan on how to work up to the 3 miles and I think we'll be golden. The only thing standing in our way is the RAIN! We're so ready for it to be nice outside!

Bring on May Flowers! I'm done with April Showers!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog Title Explanation

When I say that my husband is wonderfully hilarious, I mean it. It's not an overstatement.
God knew what he was doing when He paired us up! C has amazing comedic timing and is always making me laugh. I often wonder, as he does some crazy antic like dancing with me in the kitchen as he sings a love song to me that he is "writing" as he sings, if other people's husbands are this sweet and funny. Do other wives have these moments where they can't believe they get to be married to a man just PERFECT for them? I'm sure they do, but I definitely have to say that mine is the funniest!

Now this isn't to say that C doesn't have his faults. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't get irritated with him for something... not finishing a project, not taking the trash out, or for leaving his coat on the back of the dining room chair again... but all in all, untidy house or not, I am truly blessed to be married to someone so understanding, sweet, loyal, and loving.

All this raving brings me to my point. My blog title. The name is really two-fold, but it all started because of this:
A few weeks ago, I was at work when I got a phone call from my husband. He and his friend decided that they needed to build us a big shed in the backyard. Now mind you, we live on a postage stamp AND we already have a shed. A shed that we just built last summer; We haven't even had the thing for a year!
C hasn't finished putting the lattice on the front porch since he did half the job LAST year, but he wants to go BACK and re-do something that's already been done and is actually completed (by the Grace of God! ha!).... You can imagine my irritation and cynicism when he relayed to me his grandiose plan. In my mind, the idea was immediately off the table.

Trying to be the loving, respectful wife I know I am called to be, I try to give him a list of all the reasons why building a new shed is completely out of the realm of possibilties, without actually saying the word "NO!", like he's a child.
He could obviously sense my growing irritation and dwindling patience, because he stops telling me his lists of "pros" (I don't remember there being any cons...), and says, "I love you."
I try to push past my animosity for the situation, and I say, "I love you, too" with all the sincerity I could muster.
Not one to be outdone, and, like I said, the boy is made of sweetness and great timing, he says to me, "I love you three."

Who can be mad at a grown man who says, "I love you three"?!
All anger left me at that point. Mostly because of his words, but maybe slightly because I knew he knew.... there would be no new shed. :)

So I had been trying to think of a blog name for weeks and hadn't thought of anything that I deemed brilliant or clever, or even just fitting. But these 4 words, "I love you three" would not leave my head. After a while, I finally decided that this would be the perfect name for my blog because I love the double entendre. As I said in my profile, C and I are planning to start trying to get pregnant within a few months and the next addition will be the third member of our family.

I love my husband, he loves me too, and we'll love our baby, three.

I assume this blog will be made up of silly little stories like this, random ramblings about things I like to discuss, and hopefully soon, some pictures of a baby belly growin'! Can't wait to see how life unfolds!