Wednesday, July 4, 2012

IT'S A...

As I said in the Gender & Anatomy Ultrasound post, Caleb and I had our Sonographer write down the baby's gender for us so that we could find out by ourselves if we're having a boy or girl. So we left the doctor's office full of excitement! Caleb couldn't wait to open the note and wanted to do it in their parking lot, while I wanted to go to a more special/private place and put it off just a few more minutes!

We decided to wait until after we stopped at my parents house (which was planned before the appt) so that Caleb could shower (since we didn't want to drive all the way back to our house) before dinner since he had come right from work (he instead helped dad move a desk and didn't need a shower). Before leaving, we showed my dad our sonograms and he lovingly looked at his grandson/granddaughter for at least 5 minutes. He even turned the pictures upside down to better inspect! :)

After 15-20 minutes with my dad, we couldn't wait any longer to know our big news, so we left and went down the road to a parking lot (where Caleb first told me he loved me! :)) to open the note alone in the truck. I told Caleb he had to open it because I couldn't make the decision to actually do it! lol It was such a crazy, life-changing moment, that I couldn't do it! So he asked me if I was ready, and I said, "Yes!.... No, wait!... Yes!... Ok go ahead!" haha I was so nervous to actually KNOW - it's in stone after that moment, ya know!? :) (obviously, it's always been in stone, but now we know the final answer!) It's like getting to the top of a hill on a roller coaster and pausing. Are you ready to fly down it? Yes, but no! :) 
Right before he opened it, we asked eachother what our guesses were... Caleb said girl, and I said boy. Then he opened it....


WE'RE HAVING A BABY BOY!!! We couldn't be happier!
I don't think either of us stopped smiling for hours! We were freaking out excited! We couldn't stop saying, "Can you believe we're having a boy?!", "Can you believe we know!?" etc...
Then we went to my favorite steak place, Firebirds, for dinner (had to get a filet mignon for celebration dinner!) where we discussed baby names and all other things baby. While we were eating, I looked at Caleb with a big smile on my face and said, "I am geeking out inside!!!"  Without missing a beat, he answered, "You're geeking out on the outside too!" lol He cracks me up!

We followed up dinner with some baby clothes shopping at Kohls. We both picked out a few things and were watching over our shoulders to make sure we didn't run into anyone we know!  There was one person there we knew so we thought about picking up a few outfits of each gender, but she never came over to the baby section, so our secret was safe!

Here's what we got:
Note: It was hard not to buy MORE! But with 30% off AND $20 in Kohls cash, we didn't look too closely at prices! You only buy your son's first outfits chosen especially for him ONCE! :)

Caleb has talked about (only half-jokingly) buying a backhoe for years, so he thought this was funny. And anything with the word "tough" on a baby boy is adorable!

If you know ANYTHING about my husband, you know he LOVES football...

Close up of one of the onesies! I know we already have the Father's Day gift outfit that says almost the same thing, but these are too cute to pass up for next summer!

A cute cuddly sleeper! Are you seeing a trend? :)

Close up of the sleeper.

I love this cute sweat suit. How cuddly baby boy will be! Even more fitting, the blue onesie has a giraffe mom and baby on it and says, "Mommy loves me". Oh so true! :)
We're still trying to wrap our minds around this news! Everyone is going to FREAK OUT when we tell them!!! There were only 3-4 people that we know that guessed that baby is a girl. EVERYONE else said boy! As much fun as it would have been to have 5 girl cousins within 2.5 years, it will be just as fun to have something different! Now I need to re-learn how to change a boy's diaper!... :)

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