Monday, March 26, 2012

5 Weeks

Pregnancy Update March 26, 2012

How Far Along: 5 weeks

Size of baby: Less than .13 inches, less than .04 oz - an "appleseed"

What developed this past week: The embryo divided into 3 layers to form the central nervous system, the circulatory system and the major organs.

Weight gain: 0 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Nope
Gender:  Can't wait to know. Caleb told me he wished there was a TINY little microscope that could detect the gender now - We're impatient :)

Movement: No movement - just a little bit of cramping, as I read is normal as the baby implants in the uterine lining. I'm drinking tons of water (75-100oz a day) to try to keep the cramping at bay.

Sleep: I'm surprised that I still don't feel any more tired yet. I've heard a lot of symptoms like that kick in closer to 6 weeks though, so we'll see how I feel in a week! I'm enjoying having energy still for sure! It's going to be hard for me to give up my activities and stay home more to get more rest than I do now.

What I miss: Using the bathroom less frequently! I hate going to the bathroom - so inconvenient. This week I've started getting up at 5:30 am when Caleb's alarm goes off to go to the bathroom (and then I go back to bed until 7). Though I used to just hold it if I woke up and had to go, now I can't stand to do that. All I can think about is the toxins I'm holding in... Gross. I'm not one to worry about a lot of crazy pregnancy things, but that's one thing that grosses me out.

Cravings: No cravings, but I have found that I'm hungry more often. Even if I eat something before I go to bed, my stomach is already growling at 7 when I wake up. Fortunately, it hasn't made me nauseous at all yet, and I can still wait until 8:30 when I get to work to eat my yogurt (though by 9:30 I'm hungry again!). I'm actually amazed at how much I can eat at one time now. I usually eat small meals, but I'm finding that I can fit more in there somehow - not every meal, but a few times I've surprised myself. Also, I'm hungrier between meals and end up snacking every couple hours.
On Saturday (4w6d), I got out of bed a couple hours later than usual, and while in the shower I started blacking out. I had to ask Caleb to run and grab me a cheese stick so I didn't pass out! Otherwise, I've felt light headed a few times, but usually I can eat something/drink something with a little bit of sugar to help amend that.

Best Moment this week: Getting through the week and therefore having more assurance that this baby is here to stay! :)

Random Thing to Remember: I've heard that you'll "feel" different and just "know" you're pregnant when it happens. But folks, I am here to say that that is not always the case. Except for a few pains/cramps/hunger things, I've felt no different whatsoever. In fact, if it weren't for all the positive pregnancy tests (and the lack of a menstrual cycle), I would not know I am pregnant. I'm hoping I don't get nauseous at all, but I wouldn't mind some other symptoms that let me "know/feel" more pregnant! So weird to know it in my head, but not in my body!

What I am looking forward to: Knowing that the baby's heart has developed after this week and that the spinal cord is well on it's way, too.

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