Monday, April 30, 2012

10 Weeks

Pregnancy Update April 30, 2012
10 Weeks Night

10 Weeks Morning
Is it just me, or does the morning picture look smaller than the night?? I know I definitely FEEL smaller in the mornings.

How far along: 10 weeks.

Size of baby: 1.2 inches, .14 oz. - a "Prune".

What developed this past week: All vital organs have formed and are beginning to function! Now the baby is growing tiny nails on the fingers and toes and little buds for teeth that will stay in the gums until the baby is around 6 months old.

Weight Gain: Officially gained a pound! :)

Maternity clothes: Starting to wear more maternity shirts, but not into maternity pants yet (though I tried on a pair and the demi-panel seems so comfy!). Got an early 1st Mother's Day gift from my Mom;  cute new maternity shirts!! :) So fun that getting them made me as happy as it made her to give them!

Gender:  8 more weeks.

Movement: Wishing I could feel movement already! I've had 4 migraines in the last 4 weeks, and each time I drink mountain dew for the caffeine (main ingredient in Excedrin). It seems to work, but I'd like to feel what it's causing my little baby gymnast to do - flips, handstands, etc...

Sleep: I'm sleeping well still - trying to get used to a pillow between my knees and a thicker pillow under my neck so that I can sleep mostly on my side. I am still not exhausted throughout the day, but I am ready for bed by 10pm and don't feel ready to get up until I've had 9-10 hours of sleep.

What I miss: Nothing right now...

Cravings: No cravings, but I prefer salty over sweet... though some of each works too!

Best moment this week: Seeing Baby on another sonogram! And hearing his/her heartbeat!!! (another post)

Random thing to remember: Throughout this week, I stopped being SO SO hungry all the time. Don't get me wrong - I still eat plenty, especially in the mornings my stomach growls a lot, but I don't feel like I need to eat every 2-3 hours all day, every day anymore. YAY! That was getting annoying... :)

What I am looking forward to: My belly growing more and more in the next few weeks as my uterus gets big enough to pop up over my pelvis! AND maybe if I pay REALLY close attention, I'll be able to feel the baby moving by the end of this month! Can't wait for that!

Monday, April 23, 2012

9 Weeks

Pregnancy Update April 23, 2012

How far along: 9 weeks.

Size of baby: .9 inches,  .07 oz. - a "Green Olive". 

What developed this past week: All of baby's organs are now present! Fingers toes, eyelids, and ears as well! AND no more embryonic tail! My baby is a human! :)

Weight Gain: Zero pounds still! But this belly is starting to grow - so we'll see how long that lasts...

Maternity clothes: I wore a few loose/maternity shirts this week and also ordered a few more online (on clearance AND with 20% off of course! :)) to get me through this awkward stage between flat belly and round baby belly.

Gender:  9 weeks till we find out.

Movement: Nothing I can feel, but this week the baby developed muscles and is actually able to move around in there now! I read that this coming week, the baby will actually start having reactions. So if I push on my belly, s/he can actually push back! So awesome to think about!

Sleep: Good and bad. I sleep well, but getting in a comfortable position is a little harder than it used to be. I think it may be about time to break out the pregnancy pillow. The problem is that it's definitely uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach, as it feels I'm laying ON something (the baby). But sleeping on my side is causing my shoulder to squish into my body and then ache for hours because my down pillow is so flat. So last night I tried to use a thicker, but still comfy, throw pillow. It didn't go so well. Maybe I need to fine-tune my technique, but halfway through the night, I decided to get rid of the pillow and just lay on my back with my flat pillow. Problem was that I didn't know that I was close to the edge of the bed and when I pulled the pillow out from under my head to put it down by my knees, I hit all the junk on my nightstand and it made a big crashing noise! Caleb woke up and asked if I was ok, and then quickly fell back asleep when I told him what I did. lol Oops!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.

Cravings: No cravings, per se, but I definitely have a weird thing with wanting what other people are eating - it always sounds good when it's not offered to me! lol As an example, on Saturday (4/21), I saw a commercial for McD's and they had a softserve cone in it... I couldn't stop thinking about it until Caleb got me one :) Again, he was a good husband and didn't make me leave the house for it (as I was determined to stay in my pjs all day!)! When he brought it to me (in bed - during my NCIS marathon day!), I pointed to my bare belly and said, "I know it may not look like I'm getting anything done today, but I'm actually working really hard!" hahaha He just laughed at me and let me take the day off, guilt-free!
As a sidenote, this doesn't happen just for junk food. In fact, I usually don't want junk food at all. Plenty of times when someone tells me what they are having for dinner that night, I want it! So strange that I feel that way. I'm sure it's in my head... but I don't know why! :)

Best moment this week: Getting to take a day off from everything and sit home ALL day on Saturday. I don't remember the last time I got to do that. Though this isn't really pregnancy-related, it was WONDERFUL to just chill and not have to worry about anything (other than eating on commercial breaks! lol).

Random thing to remember: This week (really from Friday, April 13 - Sunday, April 22) was my hardest so far. Every day I felt sick on and off, especially from when I woke up until lunch time. I was surmising that it was probably worse at that time because I needed to get food in my stomach (after not eating since before bed), and balance out/raise my blood sugar and iron. I had a really hard time showering or standing at all while getting ready for work/church - it made me feel light headed and sick to my stomach. Luckily, only one time I got nauseous and felt as though I may actually throw up. Tuesday night I didn't feel good, but I forced myself to eat a pbj because I knew I'd feel worse if I didn't eat anything. Then I tried to lay down on the couch to watch tv and pass the time distracted from my misery. But that didn't work. It was so strong that I couldn't ignore it. I ended up falling asleep at 7:30pm and, amazingly, slept through Caleb watching tv and playing a game. At 10:30 I woke up and went straight to bed, hoping I'd be able to fall back asleep if I didn't stay awake too long. I assumed I'd wake up around 4am and be raring to go, but, amazingly again, I slept till 7:30am! 12 hours of sleep! Apparently this hard-working body needed it's rest! So far, I'm still not exhausted at all, but that 12 hours sure felt good! :)

What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat on Wednesday! And seeing Lindsay and Joscelin for the first time in 3 months this weekend!

A couple more firsts

For fun, here's a couple more firsts for this mommma....

As I said in the Reactions post, I told my friend Tiffini that I'm pregnant in her birthday card - I made her read it down to the bottom because I signed it, "Caleb, Nichole & Baby Farrell".  First time writing it out!

We followed up our dinner at Olive Garden by going to Babies R Us for some shower registering, as she's in her 2nd trimester. And, you guessed it, for the first time, I got to park in STORK PARKING for Expectant Mother's [for MYSELF]! Obviously, I wasn't far enough along to really warrant the shorter walk to the door, but it was SO fun to do, especially together! So we documented it in pictures :)

Such a fun night picking stuff out for her baby AND dreaming/perusing items for mine! She's good at sharing the attention and loved picking things out for both of us! Awesome friend! So glad we can share some of this pregnancy journey together!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Something Special

On Saturday, April 14th, Aunt Mel stopped by with a basket full of gifts for Baby Farrell! His/her first gifts!! We just announced to her the night before, so she must've gone shopping right away! It was SO special to me that she thought/cared to do that, of course I almost cried! :) lol 

Though I know BF will receive many gifts and probably most of them will make me cry, I wanted to write this down to remember BF's first gifts:

Onesies, socks, carseat strap covers, "Baby on Board" sign, 3 animal rattles/toys and a cute little basket!

Thanks again, Aunt Mel, for your thoughtfulness! We love it and you!! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

8 Weeks

Pregnancy Update April 16, 2012
Once again - hate pics at the end of the day... blech

How far along: 8 weeks.

Size of baby: .63 inches,  .04 oz. - a "raspberry". This makes my uterus about the size of a grapefruit!

What developed this past week: Baby's head is proportionally larger than the rest of his body and the ears and eyelids are developing. Fingers and toes are forming out of the arm and leg buds which now have distinguished wrists and elbows that can even flex! Baby's heart rate should be about 150 bpm!

Weight Gain: Nothing. Amazing, considering the past few weeks of eating everything in sight! :)

Maternity clothes: Broke out my first maternity shirt today (@ 8 weeks). Nothing super-maternity looking, just has elastic on the sides because it's hard to suck in my belly by the end of the day and I just look fat lol. I like wearing things that aren't tight!

Gender: 10  more weeks.

Movement: Can't feel anything going on in there yet.

Sleep: I'm sleeping well, now that I cut back a little on the water at night. I don't wake up having to go to the bathroom until it's time for work.

What I miss: Going in the hot tub with the family on Easter. 

Cravings: No cravings, mostly aversions. Nothing specific, just certain things don't sound good when I'm hungry. This past weekend I started feeling "blah" often each day. I definitely can't complain because I'm not nauseous and sick to my stomach, but just have felt a little "off" and more pregnant over the past 4 days!

Best moment this week: Telling our families! Everyone has been super happy and excited for us!

Random thing to remember: We had our intake appt on April 11th @ 12:30pm. Mom came with me because Caleb had to work. They asked a million questions about our family history and then drew blood to test for a bunch of things.  Nothing terribly exciting, but fun just to go because it means we're really pregnant! :) For my knowledge, test results came back negative for Cystic Fibrosis and other diseases. Progesterone level was 19.8 (@7.5 weeks), CBC (complete blood count) was 11.9 and should be 12. Could be slightly anemic, but so close that it's nothing to worry about. Just good to know in case I start getting light-headed or blacking out often.

What I am looking forward to: Our next Dr appt on April 25th @ 3:30 where we'll get to hear the heartbeat again!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


It's been so fun getting to announce to people that we're expecting.
I want to remember how each person reacted when we told them.

Winn Family: We decided to tell the Winn family on Easter Sunday because that day also was dad's birthday and we were planning to celebrate mom's, since she was out of town for hers 2 weeks prior. I had made custom bibs online and one said, "I love Grandma lots & lots!" and another one that said, "I'm Grandpa's Favorite" (as everyone in the family knows, we all try to be dad's favorite son/daughter). So for their last birthday presents, after opening all the "normal" gifts - clothes, tools, etc., I handed mom her last gift with the bib in it. She opened it and said something like, "Aw! Great! I'll need to be stocked up on Grandma stuff for when Joscelin comes to visit!"... not exactly what I was aiming for, but I decided to give dad his and see if anyone would catch on. So dad opens his, and he takes his cue from mom and laughs at the picture on the bib but doesn't think anything more of it. So I say, "well - these bibs aren't for Joscelin..."  Mom looks at me a little confused, then her mouth drops open and she stares at me like, "Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?!" Then before I knew it, Melissa was up and across the room hugging me and mom is squealing and dad is smiling and they all at once got it. They were so excited! They started asking me a bunch of questions and eventually I explained everything that had happened, how I've been feeling, showed our 6.5 week sonogram, etc.
I have all of this on video, thanks to my designated videographer brother, whom I told first and separately. I gave him the gift I was planning to give Laci (who didn't end up come) and had him unwrap it and read the note. It was a book called, "Giraffes Can't Dance", as Laci and I both love giraffes. The note said, "Uncle Eston & Aunt Laci, Will you please read this book to me in November? Love, Baby Farrell"  When Eston read it, he said, " I KNEW IT! I offered you a glass of wine awhile ago and you didn't want it so I assumed you were pregnant or trying!"  haha Who knew a 23 year old boy was so intuitive?!
Grandma Gillette was also at our Easter/Birthday celebration, so she was excited and said that she was so glad she got to be there for the big announcement.
We called Grandpa Winn and I told him I have some exciting news that he has been waiting to hear! He said, "I'm going to be a Grandpa again?!"  Yep! He also reiterated that he is just Grandpa, because the "great" is silent! :) He's such a funny guy!
Then there's the funny story about Lindsay...  While we were eating Easter dinner, I heard my phone beep in the other room saying it received a text message. After we were done eating, I went to check it and found a text from Lindsay that said, "Are you pregnant?! I had a dream last night that you were pregnant and about to give birth in the hospital where I had Joscelin, and they had to do a c-section because your baby boy was 19lbs!" hahhaha I couldn't believe it! God got to tell her instead of me!! :)  I didn't reply then, but had mom text and call her and say to FaceTime me so we could video chat and we could see her reaction to the news. We did not hear from her until after 9pm, though we'd been texting for about 5 hours! We were getting so mad that she and Jason weren't responding to our calls/texts. Then my iTouch started ringing for a FaceTime chat. It was Lindsay and they were still at Jason's parents house finishing up their Easter fesitivities with all his family. So Dad got on the screen and started telling Lindsay about all the gifts he got for his birthday. He said he got 2 big ones; A miter saw stand, and "this" (as he held up my sonogram picture). Lindsay started laughing and said, "I KNEW IT!" Then she turned and said to everyone else there, "Nichole is pregnant!" Everyone was very excited for us and said congrats. She asked a few questions but had to get offline fairly quickly, so she texted me a bunch of questions on her drive home from her in-laws that night.  All in all, everyone is SOOO excited for another grandbaby/niece or nephew!

Eric & Erica: While standing in their kitchen making dinner, Caleb said to them, "So Nichole hasn't been feeling well for awhile now, and her boobs are pretty sore... any idea what's wrong with her?" They both looked at me with concern, then as it sunk in what he was saying, Erica asked me if he was serious or if he was kidding. I nodded and said he is serious, and of course I started crying. Erica started jumping up and down and screaming "AHHH!!! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! NICHOLE! OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS!" :) We all hugged (separately) and Erica and I cried while she asked me details. Eric said congratulations too and also sent me the sweetest note ever the next morning! The cutest thing was that when I asked Rylie where Aunt Cole's baby is (without having previously rehearsed this with her), she pointed to my belly! And later, she randomly came over to me and pulled my shirt up and said, "baby", while pointing to my belly. So sweet.

Craig & Laurie & kids: We stopped by their house with the premise of dropping off a book and magazine to Drew and we also had flag football pictures to give them. Caleb handed Laurie the [blurry] picture of the 4 Farrell boys, and when she flipped to the next one, which was a picture of Caleb and I holding a sign, she read out loud, "WE ARE PREGO!"?! Craig had been sleeping on the couch, so his comments were limited to things like, "Are you still going to wear a bathing suit on vacation?!" haha Laurie and Emilie hugged us and asked a lot of questions and even got excited about planning another baby shower already! Love it! Drew was sitting on the couch and gave us a big smile. Caleb told Nate outside without me, so I have no idea what he said... I do know we told him that Caleb will be calling him to come over and help when he's alone with the baby, and Nate said he wasn't interested in changing diapers. We said too bad :).

This is the pic we gave them:

Dad & Mom Farrell & kids: We went down to Mom & Dad's after we stopped at Craig's. We had the same plan - give them their copies of football pictures we had printed and in the back have the "We are prego" picture. When we got there, Mom was on the phone with Aunt Mel helping Nya work on some homework project. So we were trying to be non-challant about why we were there while we waited. Dad asked Caleb a million times, "Why are you here? You never just stop by. Is everything ok?" I missed this one, as I was trying to make conversation with the kids and be cool, but Caleb said dad even asked him if we're pregnant!! haha Are we that obvious? :)  So once Mom got off the phone, we gave her the pictures and when she got to the last one, she looked at it for a minute then said, "You are spaghetti?!" But she looked at me with a big smile on her face, so I assumed she understood and was just making a joke. I laughed and said, "YES! We are spaghettti!" Hugs all around from M&D and the 5 kids :). Mom asked me the due date and when I said November, she said, "You didn't think we had enough November birthdays?!" lol I told her I didn't realize that ANY month was available for an "alone" birthday, with such a big family. She told me April or June will work next time. hahah I will do my best!  When I showed them the sonogram, Mom was quick to realize that I shouldn't have had one yet and asked what was wrong. Then I told them about how the sonogram picture is actually twice the size of real life and they thought that was CRAZY (which it is!). Nya said, "wait! So that [pointing to the picture] is IN you?!" haha YEP! (Glad she didnt ask how it got there! lol)

Kristen & KC & Olivia: Same plan - give them their football pictures and have the "prego" picture in the back. I handed them to Kristen, but she passed them off to KC. Either way worked! :) They responded with, "REALLY?!" and Kristen started crying :) Throughout the evening, I believe there were 4 bouts of tears of happiness! So excited for another niece or nephew and for us to experience the same joy they have with Olivia! Much of the evening was spent discussing parenting issues, nursery ideas, etc! So fun to finally get to share the joy and ideas!!!

We sent announcement cards to my out of town aunts and uncles. I made them on Shutterfly and love them :)

(A couple) FRIENDS:
Jessy: I had her look at a cute picture on my iTouch of my niece, when she scrolled to the next picture, it was not my niece, but a picture of a positive digital pregnancy test that said the word, "PREGNANT", on it. At first, she thought she scrolled the wrong way when she didn't see a baby, but then realized what it was and looked at me and said, "You?!" :)
Of course I said yes and we both started crying and hugged and then talked about every detail for the rest of the lunch hour we had together.

Tiffini: We went out for dinner at Olive Garden to celebrate her birthday, and I gave her a birthday card with a gift card in it, along with a written novel :). She saw the gift card and said thank you, but I had to tell her to read the card right now vs waiting for me to not be watching her. When she got to the bottom, it was signed "Caleb, Nichole & Baby Farrell". She GEEKED out, jumped out of the booth, and before I could get up to hug her, she had her arms around my neck and was jumping and yelling "YAY!" and other exclamations of joy. I actually had to laugh and tell her "shh" as EVERYONE was staring at us! :)  I even heard the 10 year old girl at the booth next to us ask her dad what was going on. The dad answered, "I don't know. Maybe she just got engaged..." hahhaa Not quite.

We told many other friends/family in person and on the phone. Pretty much everyone hugged us and was so happy for us and excited to hear the news! Writing out each one would basically say the same thing. :) So if I didn't list you, it's not because you're not important or that I wasn't THRILLED to be able to tell you, it's just that it'd be boring to write "they were excited" 40 more times! :) 

We are happy to share the coming months with you and will be even happier to introduce Baby Farrell to you in November!

Monday, April 9, 2012

7 Weeks

Pregnancy Update April 9, 2012

Sticker reads: "Bun in the Oven"

How far along: 7 weeks. I was supposed to use this "Bun in the Oven" sticker at 4 weeks but forgot! Luckily, my belly isn't much different at 7, so I figured I'd use it before I get to the next sticker @ 8 weeks.

Size of baby: .51 inches, less than .04 oz. - a "blueberry"

What developed this past week: Baby's brain is becoming more complex and is developing cavities and passages vital for circulation of spinal fluid. Also, baby's face is becoming more defined with the lenses of the eyes and the middle part of the ear forming. Tiny arms, legs, hands and feet are also budding!

Weight Gain: 0 pounds - that will change quickly as I can't seem to stop eating! :) Not feeling nauseous is great, but I think I'm going to gain all my weight in the first trimester! lol

Maternity clothes: No, but definitely am noticing that I need to wear looser fitting clothes because my belly seems to grow throughout the day (which is why I don't prefer to take these pics at night, but oh well! That's the only time Caleb and I are both home.).

Gender: Should know the week of June 25th.

Movement: Can't feel anything going on in there yet.

Sleep: I'm sleeping well, but just this week have had to stop going to sleep on my stomach, as it's getting uncomfortable and makes me wake up feeling sick to my stomach. Luckily, I'm perfectly happy to sleep on my side and back still! I guess we'll slowly cut the back-sleeping out too...

What I miss: Eating less and therefore not feeling like a pig who can't stop shoving food in my mouth! :)

Cravings: No specific cravings, but hungry all the time. A couple hours after each meal, my stomach starts growling and I feel like there's a hole in it! It's surprising how quickly it hits me!

Best moment this week: Getting to see Baby Farrell for the first time in an ultrasound! 6w4d. Heartbeat was 124 and only .55 cm long (less than 1/4 inch head to rump)! It is crazy to think that the actual printed picture is twice as big as the baby really is! The black bean-shaped hole in the middle is the yolk sac where the baby is getting all his/her nutrients for now. S/he has decided that even though s/he can be anywhere in there, s/he likes the corner :) I'm glad my baby is so advanced s/he can discipline him/herself! :) Save mom and dad lots of stress! hah

Random thing to remember: This is kind of morbid, but we got the ultrasound on the Thursday before Easter, Maundy Thursday, the same day my mom miscarried my twin 27 years ago. That scared me (though I know it has no bearing on my current situation), but all was well and we were so happy to get a glimpse inside!

What I am looking forward to: Being able to talk openly about being pregnant! And also getting to tell everyone else (extended family and friends) and see/hear their reactions.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The first (hopefully only!) scare!

I woke up Thursday, April 5th, and everything seemed normal - I didn't feel crampy or in pain at all. I was excited because it was the last work day of the week before Easter, so I started getting ready. But when I went to the bathroom... there was blood. I started freaking out. Then there was crying. Then praying. And lots of both.

I called Caleb, but he didn't answer. I called again. and again. and again. Finally texted him to call me. I knew I needed to call my dr's office (once they opened in half an hour), but I needed someone to freak out to; So I called Jessy. "Dr. Burkell" asked me lots of questions and came to the same conclusion - I should call the doctor and lay down in the meantime.

When I got ahold of the doctor, she asked me a couple questions about recent physical activity and strain, but when I said no to everything, she was concerned (as was I!) and said to come in for a 9 o'clock ultrasound and 9:30 appt with my OB. I was so happy to get in quickly - only 1 hour until I would know if everything was ok.

Luckily, Caleb called me back within a few minutes of missing my calls and said he was coming home to go to the doctor with me. We got there right on time, and almost right away went back for the u/s. The SCARIEST moment of the entire day (probably my entire life!) was when I was waiting for something to show up on the screen. I couldn't tell you if I was breathing or not, but when I saw the Sonographer's face look inquisitively at the screen, I couldn't help but say, "WHAT IS IT?! WHATS WRONG?!" She smiled and said, "Nothing; That right there is the heart beat." To which I replied, "There's a heartbeat?!?", as tears started flowing down the sides of my face. BEST. MOMENT. EVER. That wonderful moment was closely followed by the moments when she let us listen to the heartbeat 3 times! So wonderful to hear! I SO wish I would have video recorded the screen and the sound on my iTouch. We could've shown how s/he was dancing and squirming all around and how the heartbeat was the most miraculous noise we've ever heard!

The Sonographer took some measurements and told us that Baby F is .55 cm from crown to rump and that his/her heart rate is 124 bpm! She also measured my cervix and checked out my ovaries and said everything looked good!  When we followed up with the Doctor, she did a physical exam and said she didn't think anything was wrong either - maybe just leftover blood from implantation and not to worry about it. We were DEFINITELY relieved. 
Baby Farrell 6 weeks 4 days

Monday, April 2, 2012

6 Weeks

Pregnancy Update April 2, 2012

**You'll have to excuse the sweats and lack of make up - this is at night after having a migraine all day

How Far Along: 6 weeks

Size of baby: .25 inches, less than .04 oz - a "small pea"

What developed this past week: The baby is rapidly growing and will triple in size this week (and s/he's already 10,000 times bigger than s/he was a month ago!). Also taking shape are facial features, kidneys, liver & lungs. His/her tiny heart is also pumping about 80bpm now!  Major growing going on!
 Weight gain: 0 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Gender: Should know around the beginning of July! 

Movement: Nothing can be felt yet.
Sleep: Stil in shock that I am not exhausted yet! I sleep well at night, for the most part - though I've had to get up more than a few nights to use the bathroom - and I wake up refreshed. I actually wake up better than I did pre-pregnancy! I used to press snooze as many times as my alarm would let me. Now I'm out of bed within 5-10 minutes of hearing my alarm.

What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: No cravings, but I've REALLY wanted candy/chocolate! I don't think that's actually a pregnancy thing, but a result of the fact that I haven't had any candy in 40 days and it ALWAYS sounds good now! One more week until my Lenten sacrifice is over! :)

Best Moment this week: Getting announcement gifts that I ordered in the mail and planning how/when to tell friends/family that we're expecting!

Random Thing to Remember: Still don't "feel" pregnant, but for a pain here or there, or a random moment of lightheadedness. Crazy to me - almost makes me worry that something IS wrong because I feel so right! :) Trying not to borrow trouble and enjoy this time while it lasts! Another thing is that I've been having a lot of weird dreams! One was completely AWFUL and involved miscarriage, but most are just bizarre. I've had a baby announcement themed dream twice, and they both are stressful and hectic because I'm trying to tell all my family and friends that we're pregnant, but the people we tell keep telling others, even though we asked them not to! It is so frustrating when I'm in it! Makes me so mad that people are telling our news, when we're JUST about to tell that next person!  I wake up glad that all these dreams aren't true!!

What I am looking forward to: The baby having arms and legs and look more human than tadpole! :) And knowing that many of the major organs are formed after this week and that everything is still going well and I'm still pregnant.