Monday, April 9, 2012

7 Weeks

Pregnancy Update April 9, 2012

Sticker reads: "Bun in the Oven"

How far along: 7 weeks. I was supposed to use this "Bun in the Oven" sticker at 4 weeks but forgot! Luckily, my belly isn't much different at 7, so I figured I'd use it before I get to the next sticker @ 8 weeks.

Size of baby: .51 inches, less than .04 oz. - a "blueberry"

What developed this past week: Baby's brain is becoming more complex and is developing cavities and passages vital for circulation of spinal fluid. Also, baby's face is becoming more defined with the lenses of the eyes and the middle part of the ear forming. Tiny arms, legs, hands and feet are also budding!

Weight Gain: 0 pounds - that will change quickly as I can't seem to stop eating! :) Not feeling nauseous is great, but I think I'm going to gain all my weight in the first trimester! lol

Maternity clothes: No, but definitely am noticing that I need to wear looser fitting clothes because my belly seems to grow throughout the day (which is why I don't prefer to take these pics at night, but oh well! That's the only time Caleb and I are both home.).

Gender: Should know the week of June 25th.

Movement: Can't feel anything going on in there yet.

Sleep: I'm sleeping well, but just this week have had to stop going to sleep on my stomach, as it's getting uncomfortable and makes me wake up feeling sick to my stomach. Luckily, I'm perfectly happy to sleep on my side and back still! I guess we'll slowly cut the back-sleeping out too...

What I miss: Eating less and therefore not feeling like a pig who can't stop shoving food in my mouth! :)

Cravings: No specific cravings, but hungry all the time. A couple hours after each meal, my stomach starts growling and I feel like there's a hole in it! It's surprising how quickly it hits me!

Best moment this week: Getting to see Baby Farrell for the first time in an ultrasound! 6w4d. Heartbeat was 124 and only .55 cm long (less than 1/4 inch head to rump)! It is crazy to think that the actual printed picture is twice as big as the baby really is! The black bean-shaped hole in the middle is the yolk sac where the baby is getting all his/her nutrients for now. S/he has decided that even though s/he can be anywhere in there, s/he likes the corner :) I'm glad my baby is so advanced s/he can discipline him/herself! :) Save mom and dad lots of stress! hah

Random thing to remember: This is kind of morbid, but we got the ultrasound on the Thursday before Easter, Maundy Thursday, the same day my mom miscarried my twin 27 years ago. That scared me (though I know it has no bearing on my current situation), but all was well and we were so happy to get a glimpse inside!

What I am looking forward to: Being able to talk openly about being pregnant! And also getting to tell everyone else (extended family and friends) and see/hear their reactions.

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