How far along: 14 weeks. STARTING THE 2nd TRIMESTER! :)
Size of baby: 3.4 inches, 1.5 oz. - a "Lemon"
What developed this past week: Baby's well-defined face can make expressions like a squint or frown (how cute!). Some babies start growing hair on the head or face (think eyebrows, not mustache!) :).
This is crazy to think about - if Baby F is a girl, her ovaries will have already developed all the eggs she'll have for her whole lifetime! If Baby F is a boy, he's still developing the prostate gland - typical male, I guess... developmentally slower than us girls ;) Is that a mean joke to make about my own child!? lol
Weight Gain: 3.6 pounds
Maternity clothes: I am confused by my body. Some days I look/feel bigger while other days I'm back to being smaller. Must be related to what I'm eating, how much I'm drinking, etc?? I don't know. Didn't think I'd go up and down - thought this was an uphill ride all the way! Oh well; It is what it is!
Still fit into my normal clothes, and the waistbands haven't made me sick lately. Weird how symptoms change... If you look at the pictures above, you may notice my waistband being tested (esp the pic from the front). I usually have an imprint of the inside button on my skin for a few minutes when I change out of my work clothes each day. Doesn't hurt at all, so I'm going to keep wearing my normal pants until I can't anymore. I need to buy more maternity pants so that I don't feel like I'm stuck in a pair of black and a pair of gray 5 days a week.
Gender: Less than 4 weeks! I got to schedule my gender/anatomy scan after my appt on Tues, 5/29. The ultrasound will be on JUNE 22 @ 3:30pm! Caleb and I are beyond excited to know the gender, but more so to see our baby in 3D/4D! It will be awesome to get a glimpse of what s/he looks like and to make sure everything is growing well!
Movement: Few more weeks?? I hear the average time most people feel their first baby move is 15-18 weeks. Coming up quickly!
Sleep: Same as last week - pretty good, with a nightly trip to the bathroom. Still haven't remembered to buy a night light! So I usually grab my iTouch or phone from my night stand to light my way :). Just a note for me to remember - Caleb never hears me get up, open/close the doors, flush the toilet, etc. Guess that means I'll be doing the night feedings? ;)
What I miss: Not much. A Pina Colada on the beach with Kate-Bo-Bate! :)
Cravings: Nothing.
Best moment this week: My dr appt was the best part of the week, though it was equally annoying(technically it was one day into week 15, but I'm counting it in 14 since I'm posting after it). The frustrating part is that I've not had a doctor there run on time - I know a lot goes into this, and it was the end of the day, but it's still frustrating. My appt was at 4, Dr came in at 4:50 (boring!) and was only with me for 3 minutes. I only had one question - Can I use hydrocortizone on my hands for heat rash (the answer was yes, if it's for a short time), then she said my Downs Syndrome blood work came back normal (YAY!), and then we listened to the heartbeat! Dr. Wise found it really easily and it was 160!
I asked her if she could feel the top of my uterus, the fundus, and she showed me where it was and how to feel it! Feels like the top of a ball in my lower abdomen. She said it will move north about a centimeter each week and therefore get easier and easier to feel. Also, if my bladder is full, it pushes my uterus higher and may also be easier to find during those times.
What I am looking forward to: Watching my belly grow faster now that I'm in the 2nd trimester. Also, THE GENDER/ANATOMY SCAN! I'm planning a gender announcement party for our families, so getting that together and telling our families will add to the excitement of that week!
Here are some other random pictures from the week:
Here are some other random pictures from the week:
8:30pm on 13w5d after going to dinner at the Black Pelican in OBX |
Caleb always has to take my weekly pics, so I thought I'd share that he is "in the picture" :) |
Afternoon of 13w5d - at the Wright Brother's Memorial in OBX |
At the top of the Currituck Lighthouse, where we climbed (214 steps), I looked down to see if my camera battery died, and this is what I saw! I was happily surprised! :) |