Wednesday, May 23, 2012

13 Weeks

Pregnancy Update May 21, 2012

How far along: 13 weeks

Size of baby: 2.9 inches, .81 oz. - a "Peach"

What developed this past week: Baby's body is catching up proportionally to his/her head. Motor skills are starting to work and baby is able to move and flex the arms and legs, though I still can't feel it.

Weight Gain: Was on vacation and didn't have a scale, but based on what I weighed when I got back, I stayed about the same at +3 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes aren't necessary yet. Sometimes I still wear maternity shirts for a more loose, comfortable fit. It mostly depends on how I'm feeling that day - fat or pregnant?  Do I want to show off the growing belly or hide it?  Plenty of my non-maternity shirts are looser fitting still and work just fine. I'm trying not to wear too many maternity things yet so that I'm not sick of them when I no longer have the option of my "normal" wardrobe. 

Gender:  5 more weeks

Movement: Feeling nothing. Hoping June is the month!

Sleep: Sleeping well, but I am more consistently waking up to use the bathroom once a night. Depending on how much water I drank the day/night before, my wake-up time varies from 2:30 - 5:30. Usually the later time. Sometimes I still can go till 7am and be fine. But I assume I didn't drink enough water the day before if that happens. 
I don't have to mess with extra pillows between my knees or under my head anymore as I've gotten used to sleeping on my side and back and fall asleep rather easily on my left side now! Exciting because I used to get irritated when I couldn't turn to my stomach. Still haven't gotten out my Snoogle, and don't have a wedge pillow because my belly is hardly growing! Once it's bigger and needs more support, I'll pull one or both of those out to accommodate.

What I miss: I am glad that while on vacation this week, the hot tub didn't tempt me too much. One time I put my feet in it, but mostly the kids were in it anyway.

Cravings: Nothing. If I have a 10 o'clock snack anymore Lucky Charms still always sound good at that time. The late night and early morning eating has definitely dwindled and I feel like I eat on a more normal schedule again.

Best moment this week: At 12w6d, I woke up in Newport News, VA at a friend's house, and before eating breakfast, I felt as if my stomach was as big as it usually is at the END of the day... I was excited that it was showing more and kept telling Caleb to look at it and tell me if he agreed! lol
Later that day, when finally to our destination in Outerbanks, 2 of my SILs noticed the same thing and said it looked like I suddenly "popped"! :) I definitely can't suck it in anymore, and it still has it's big days and small days, but it is getting there! :) These are from the day (and in the outfit) that my family noticed that I was obviously showing!

Another new thing this week is that I started having round ligament pain - this happened the same day I noticed my belly getting bigger. Guess that makes sense, as RLP is caused by the uterus growing and resting on my ligaments. For a few days, I randomly (and subconsciously) would press on my lower abdomen whenever there was a sharp pain, as it seemed to help. There were a few times where the pain lasted a few minutes and/or was more constant, but for the most part, it would come and go quickly. No need yet for hot baths or rolling out of bed slowly.

What I am looking forward to: Continuing the family vacation week and getting to the end of the first trimester by the time I'm home again!  Also have my monthly appt on Tuesday, May 29th where I get to hear the heartbeat again!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

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