Tuesday, June 26, 2012

18 Weeks

Pregnancy Update June 25, 2012

The fold over flap of my sweat pants was pulled all the way up, so it looks like my belly comes to a point. It doesn't, and as you can see from the other pic, my belly button hasn't popped at all, so it's just an illusion :)

How far along: 18 weeks.

Size of baby: 5.6 inches, 6.7 oz. - a "Sweet Potato" (or a bell pepper)  BUT, let me add that at my sonogram on Friday, 6/22, baby was measuring at 8oz!

What developed this past week: Many of the baby's bones are starting to harden (from cartilage to bone), starting with the inner ear and the extremities. Baby's sense of hearing is developing well, making it possible for baby to hear sounds such as my beating heart and growling tummy.  Very fun to talk and sing to the baby, now that I know s/he can possibly hear me!

Weight Gain: Exactly 8 pounds.

Maternity clothes: Tried on a pair of "normal" pants at the end of this week, for the first time in about a week, and realized that I no longer can button them! It's maternity pants/stretch pants from here on out! I could wear the bella band with my regular pants, but I get a little annoyed with pulling it up all the time. BUT now that I'm pulling up/adjusting full panel maternity pants anyway, it's probably a horse a piece! So we'll see if I go back and forth for a little while longer.

Gender: Caleb and I know!! But we can't say yet... With such a big family, it was hard to coordinate everyone's schedules. So instead of doing a gender reveal party the weekend we found out, we're doing it next weekend. It's kind of fun for just the two of us to know, but it's hard to make sure we don't slip and refer to the baby as him or her! (There will be another post all about the sonogram and our day after we found out, as well as a gender reveal post).

Movement: Kicks and movements are getting stronger and stronger, but still very inconsistent. As for trying to feel it from the outside, I think we're almost there, but it's hard to know. As soon as I put my hand on the outside when I feel one kick, baby stops moving! When I don't put my hand there, sometimes I get a couple kicks in a row, though that's only happened a few times. Caleb has tried to feel for baby a couple times too, but to no avail as of yet. We're hoping soon!

Sleep: Sleeping well. The night before the gender/anatomy ultrasound I slept very well. The night AFTER, I kept having dreams that I accidentally slipped and someone found out the gender before our family. Also when I woke up to use the bathroom, I was awake for a while after because I couldn't stop thinking about how we KNOW the gender, and what we can now plan and do, etc. Luckily it was a Friday night and I could sleep in on Saturday!

What I miss: I miss not feeling the baby move when it's been a while! At first it was kind of bizarre to feel/know that someone else is LIVING in my body! But now I'm addicted to feeling the baby. So awesome! God is good! 

Cravings: Nothing.

Best moment this week: There are multiple this week: 1. Finding out the baby is 100% healthy and growing well! 2. Going shopping with Caleb and picking out gender-specific clothes for Baby Farrell. Note* Caleb has never cared before about picking out a baby outfit for anyone... this time he was finding as many or more outfits than I was! LOVE it! 3. Debating/discussing baby names with Caleb. What a big decision! Wow!

What I am looking forward to: Telling our family and friends the gender and seeing their faces! :)

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