Tuesday, October 2, 2012

32 Weeks

Pregnancy Update October 1, 2012

How far along: 32 weeks! 56 days left... 

Size of baby: 16.7 inches, 3.75 lbs. - A "Large Jicama"

What developed this past week: Still getting more baby fat! He's likely going to double his weight between now and birth! And let me tell you - there have been plenty of days this past week where I FEEL like he's doubling his weight and stretching out my belly! Ouch!
He now has toe nails and finger nails and he's shedding the soft lanugo hair that covers his body and his real hair and skin is becoming soft and smooth.

Weight Gain: 27.8. Went back down a little - I'd say the weight check from last week wasn't quite accurate - it definitely didn't seem to me like I had gained almost 5 lbs in one week! I guess the doctor's scale on Wednesday will help solve this mystery.

Maternity clothes: All maternity. Getting out my fall clothes now! Love these comfy sweaters and long sleeve shirts.

Gender: HE'S ALL BOY! "Bryson Nicholas"
(Bryson means "smart", Nicholas means "winner" or "victory of the people")

Movement: He's a mover and a shaker! It's cool now because I can "rub his back" or use my hands to slide him back and forth and he responds to my touch! It's also funny to feel him fall subject to gravity when I lay down on my sides at night - he feels like he's about to fall out my side! When I turn over onto my other side, I feel him slide down the other way and rest on the bed as well! I even had Caleb put his hand on him while I turned over the other night so he could feel his little body slip down.

Sleep: After being exhausted all last week, over the weekend I got a few nights of some GOOD sleep - 9-11 hours a night! I couldn't BELIEVE that I did that 3 nights in a row. Usually if I sleep that long one night, the next night I'm awake in the middle of the night. Must've needed the rest! Since then, I haven't felt so exhausted and it's been great! Feeling like your head is going to drop on the keyboard at work is miserable - hope I can stay rested enough that I don't get to that stage again (until after birth!).

What I miss: Talking (for extended periods of time) without feeling like I'm winded! I swear I've never smoked a day in my life, but I feel like I'm a chain smoker sometimes! lol
Cravings: Nothing.

Best moment this week: We had our last Childbirth Class this week. We talked about what to expect during delivery, making a birth plan, breastfeeding, etc... all the finishing touches! I'm definitely glad we took this class - I feel a lot more prepared and I think Caleb does too. Now he doesn't have to just watch me go through labor and have no clue what is happening or how to help. I feel assured that we CAN do this! (Regardless, we have to at this point! But it's good to feel prepared.)

I also thoroughly enjoyed going to the chiropractor a few times! Highlight #1 - relieving some of the rib pain in my upper back/stretching out my back and hip muscles. Highlight #2 - LAYING ON MY STOMACH! :) Love the drop table - wonder if he'd let me take a little nap when he's between patients ;) lol

Another thing I'm VERY happy I did this week was make some freezer meals!! My friend, Sarah, came over and we made 6 recipes each (at least 10 meals and leftovers) in about 4 hours! It feels good to have healthy/homemade food in the freezer ready to eat! We're going to try to do it every once in awhile so that we can keep the meals coming and I'll be prepared with ready-to-cook food when Bryson comes and I have no motivation/energy to cook good meals! 
This is what I used to get started on my first freezer cooking experience. She lists 10 recipes, but I started with just 6 of them... don't want to bite off more than I can chew in my first try! :) Wish we would have taken a picture of our finished products! It was awesome!

What I am looking forward to: Our doctor appt this week!! Bring on the ultrasound! Can't wait to see my little man's face again! And we get to find out how big he is, what position he's in, etc. My MIL and husband are coming to the appt on Wednesday at 4.

Right after our doctor appointment on Wednesday, Caleb and I are going to our first Newborn Care class! It will actually be a private class where the teacher will go over the first 2 weeks worth of material, since we will not be able to attend the class on Thursday nights for 2/4 weeks! I'm pretty excited that we'll get one-on-one, to our level, lessons!

This coming Sunday is our final baby shower! My mom and sisters are throwing it for us and it will be for my friends and friends of our family to come and celebrate Baby Bryson! Can't wait!

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