Saturday, February 15, 2014

21 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update February 15, 2014

How far along: 21 Weeks!  Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 10.5 inches, 12.7oz. A banana. If you look back to last week, that's quite the growth in length!! 4 inches! Big week for this guy!

What developed this past week: Baby 2 is now swallowing small amounts of amniotic fluid and practicing his digestive skills along with getting a small taste of the foods I'm eating (You're welcome, baby, for the food described in the next paragraph :) I wish I could say it was totally selfless and I did it all for you lol). He's also breathing in the fluid and getting his lungs ready for life on the outside. Speaking of - I saw this outfit online and was tempted to buy it lol!
 Baby boy

Though I didn't get that one, THIS one I could not pass up! :) I tried getting it in both boy's sizes, but they were out of Bryson's size.

Weight Gain: 14.4 pounds. This was a rough week - in which my husband bought me not one, but TWO, boxes of nerds (he knows my love language)... and for himself (aka to share) a 3-lb bag of peanut m&ms. If that wasn't enough, my mom spoiled me with BK, Tim Hortons, or Co Fair breakfasts multiple times this week! And I knew better than allowing cases of soda in our house - we've been drinking them with lunch/dinner far too often on top of having Chipotle and Hibachi and a McD's Shamrock Shake. There - I admitted to all my sins. Next week I'll repent and do better. The truth will set me free? :)

Maternity clothes: My Old Navy/Gap order came this week, so today I'm wearing some new jeans (that actually fit) and a nice warm work-appropriate sweater. Got a couple turtlenecks that were on sale for $6 too! Score :) I think I should be more than set once my maternity leggings get here. 

Gender: #truth
 Boy  A Noise With Dirt On It  8x10 Quote Print  Modern by Tessyla, $20.00

Movement: Baby seems to be moving more recently. Not as sporadically as he used to, I think. Because of that, I was able to call my coworker in to feel him moving! She was the first one, other than Caleb, to feel him. He kicked her 5-10 times in a row within the span of a minute! I can feel him consistently moving now that he's big enough that he's often up against my skin where others can feel him too. I guess he did grow 4 inches! :)
I'm interested to see how Bryson reacts if I can get his little hand to feel his brother moving!! Now that my belly is getting bigger, and it's harder to hold B normally, I mention his brother to him more often... so it'll be interesting to see when it actually sinks in that there's a baby in there!   

Sleep/Symptoms: As well as can be expected. I start waking up probably around 4-5am and turn over and fall back asleep. Again and again. Luckily, I can still fall back to sleep, but I'd really rather just stay asleep! The good news is that my belly isn't heavy enough to make it a production to roll over yet... and I can still sleep on my stomach (with my hips turned a little). I can't believe it!
Once the baby gets a little bigger (and higher), I'll have to break out the wedge to prop up my belly and eventually... the body pillow. I try to hold off as long as I can on that one - it seems to take up so much space! It's too much to have the equivalent of 3 people in a queen size bed! 
As far as new symptoms go, I started getting cramps in my calves every once in awhile. Has only happened a couple times, but it is not fun! Especially if I wake up to that pain in the middle of the night. Talk about a rude awakening!
I got my blood count results back. Hemoglobin was 12.2 and hematocrit was 36.6 - I have no idea what those number mean (or what they should be), other than I am OK and the dizziness was not caused by low iron.

What I miss: The sun! But I'm remedying that next week!! YAYYY! :)

Cravings: I think I've eaten so much this week that I didn't even leave room for a craving to sneak up! haha ridiculous...

Best moment this week: Someone else feeling B2 moving! And booking a trip to Sarasota with my mom and grandma to visit my aunt & uncle!! We are THRILLED to get a break from the snow and cold! Unfortunately, Caleb can't come with us... but B and I will live it up in the pool for sure! A week in Florida? Don't mind if I do!

Bryson Update: This week we bought Bryson one of his favorite things in the world... a vacuum cleaner! LOL He seriously FREAKS OUT when I don't let him help me vacuum, or when I take it away from him when I do let him help... So I first remedied that situation by letting him sweep all our wood floors with our electric broom while I use the Dyson on the carpets. And though he does a fantastic job, and he really is sweeping, we decided we'd get him a toy vacuum that he can push around all day if he wants (while saying "vroom vroom") :) Happy Valentine's Day to him! ha!
He started by vacuuming the whole store! The workers trying to close the store were really happy for the help! :)

Then we went home, and though he was supposed to be putting his pajamas on, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep without cleaning our carpets first... :)

And, because he's a manly man, he carried around his other favorite item while vacuuming:

Looks like we're doing something right so far! So well-rounded...He's going to make his wife VERY happy one day! haha

That covers two of his top 3 favorite things to do (vacuum & play ball)... his third favorite thing is to read! He gets books out all day long... While we were in the store, he pulled out a science experiment book and read up!

"Who needs bright colors and pictures?? I'm a child genius!" ;)

And on Valentine's Day.... how fitting!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!

He's wearing a "Man of your dreams" shirt, but wouldn't put down the balloon! :) He's still cute! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

20 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update February 8, 2014

Bryson did not want to be left out

So he smiled nicely :)

20w3d 2-10-14

Will not be taking the picture in this shadowy spot again

How far along: 20 Weeks! Half way already. Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 6.5 inches, 10.6oz. A small cantaloupe.

What developed this past week: Baby 2 is starting to use his digestive system and produce meconium. Lovely. His skin is being covered in vernix to protect him from becoming chapped or scratched.

Weight Gain: 13 pounds

Maternity clothes: Pretty much all maternity. Some shirts are still long enough to cover this belly, but most work-appropriate ones aren't. Unfortunately I was big pregnant in the summer/fall with Bryson, so most of my maternity shirts are not suitable for this below freezing winter we've been having. I've purchased a couple more sweaters to get me through because I can't stand the thought of wearing a 3/4 sleeve shirt every day {shiver}.

Gender: Another boy! :) 

Movement: Baby moves all the time. Baby isn't big enough to be sharp/painful, but he lets me know he's there for sure! Sometimes it almost tickles and I have to put my hand on my stomach (or where the feeling was) to "relieve" the sensation. Weirdest sensation of baby movement has always been down low - Bi.Zarre. to feel something moving behind your pelvic bone...  The baby is now about to my belly button, so I'm starting to feel more movement up higher sometimes too. 

Sleep: I sleep pretty well as far as being comfortable goes. What makes me feel less well rested is actually the overactive dreaming I do! I can't believe how often I have crazy dreams. It's got to be at least 5 of 7 nights (though I have a hard time remembering when the last dreamless night was). I even wake up to move or roll over only to go back to the same dream when I fall asleep again. I don't know where my brain gets this nonsense....
I haven't broken out the body pillow yet. I can still be comfortable with a throw pillow between my knees (when I'm on my side) and hugging another throw pillow in order to keep my "top" shoulder from slumping forward too much and causing back pain. I also still can sleep in any position - back, stomach, or sides. As long as I put a knee up so that my lower abdomen (where the baby is) is not flat on the bed, I actually still love to sleep on my stomach. Going to miss that when it's gone... Living it up now! :)

What I miss: Nothing yet.

Cravings: Same as last pregnancy - not really any cravings, but when someone talks about a certain food, or I see a commercial/picture of something, I usually can't get it out of my head until I have some. Even if I have to wait weeks (which I've done... ahem, donuts!). Otherwise, this pregnancy I feel like I'm wanting and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, and not so many sweets. I still love my can of coke that I began craving in my 3rd trimester with Bryson. 

Best moment this week: This has been a pretty low key week since Bryson is fighting croup and a double ear infection, so I'd have to say that shopping online and buying a few cute outfits from Baby Gap (thank you, gap cash!) was a highlight! Caleb is going to die when he sees that I bought our son colored jeans! LOL Seriously - stylin'...

Bryson Update: He is starting to say a few words on command. Mama, Dada, WOAH!, and Ba[ll]. He also LOVES to plug his nose when we say "P!U!" and pretend to pull the horn on a train when we say "choo choo!"  He is obsessed with any kind of ball.... football, basketball, soccer, golf, plastic, nerf, whatever! And he never has less than 2 in his hands at one time. One is never enough!
He also LOVES to read. He will bring book after book to us to read and usually sits and listens to all of them! Even if he's upset and crying about something, if I suggest reading a book he immediately stops crying and goes to pick a book! The other thing that keeps him occupied and happy is singing. He loves it and usually joins in - with singing, clapping, dancing, etc... he's all about music! Makes him happy, just like it makes me! The ONE good thing he got from me. Speaking of what he got from me - he's showing his stubborn side and forming opinions. Sometimes it's a battle, but we're trying to get through this testing and setting boundaries age with as much grace as possible (literally and figuratively). Overall, he's very well behaved - listens to our instruction, signs please and thank you to ask nicely for things, signs "I love you" and blows kisses... he's an angel! :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

19 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update February 1, 2014

18w4d 1-28-14

How far along: 19 Weeks

Size of baby: 6 inches, 8.5oz. An heirloom tomato.

What developed this past week: Baby 2's sense are developing! Also, millions of motor neurons are continuing to develop in his brain allowing more controlled and conscious movement.

Weight Gain: 11.4 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Very few non-maternity at this point... baby is growing, growing, growing!

Gender: He's a boy! :) 

Movement: Baby moves all the time. I love it. I rarely get to feel him from the outside with my hand, as he decides to stop moving once I'm "ready" for him. Eventually he'll get less sporadic and I'll enjoy feeling him and sharing that fun with others.

Sleep: Sleeping well! Needing lots of it. At least one or two nights a week, I "catch up" and get about 10 hours of sleep. That's to catch up from my 7-8 hour nights. Pathetic, I know... :)

What I miss: Nothing.

Cravings: Nothing specific. Certain things good at certain times. No major aversions either.

Best moment this week: Caleb getting to feel Baby 2 move for the first time! He felt a body roll, not even just a kick. I can't believe how fast this is going! He's already 19 weeks and moving for others to feel! WOW!!! Love it!
At my monthly doctor appointment this week, I was measuring on track and baby's heart rate was excellent. I told my doctor about a few bouts of dizziness I've had and she had me get a blood drawer to check my blood count. I think it may be a fluke that I was dizzy in the middle of the day while sitting (usually its just in the mornings while standing), but she wants to make sure my iron is sufficient. Haven't heard yet the results.

The doctor also told me that I have a "low lying placenta". Basically my placenta is not up above the baby as it should be, it's down the side, or a little under the baby, closer to my cervix. At this point, I just need to be careful not to lift heavy things and to take it easy while we wait to see if the placenta "migrates" north as my uterus grows. If not, there are other complications possible, not the least of which is early delivery and/or c-section. I'm praying against all of that! Until then, the silver lining is that I get to see my sweet boy in 4 weeks so we can keep an eye on where the placenta is located.