How far along: 19 Weeks
Size of baby: 6 inches, 8.5oz. An heirloom tomato.
What developed this past week: Baby 2's sense are developing! Also, millions of motor neurons are continuing to develop in his brain allowing more controlled and conscious movement.
Weight Gain: 11.4 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Very few non-maternity at this point... baby is growing, growing, growing!
Gender: He's a boy! :)
Movement: Baby moves all the time. I love it. I rarely get to feel him from the outside with my hand, as he decides to stop moving once I'm "ready" for him. Eventually he'll get less sporadic and I'll enjoy feeling him and sharing that fun with others.
Sleep: Sleeping well! Needing lots of it. At least one or two nights a week, I "catch up" and get about 10 hours of sleep. That's to catch up from my 7-8 hour nights. Pathetic, I know... :)
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: Nothing specific. Certain things good at certain times. No major aversions either.
Best moment this week: Caleb getting to feel Baby 2 move for the first time! He felt a body roll, not even just a kick. I can't believe how fast this is going! He's already 19 weeks and moving for others to feel! WOW!!! Love it!
At my monthly doctor appointment this week, I was measuring on track and baby's heart rate was excellent. I told my doctor about a few bouts of dizziness I've had and she had me get a blood drawer to check my blood count. I think it may be a fluke that I was dizzy in the middle of the day while sitting (usually its just in the mornings while standing), but she wants to make sure my iron is sufficient. Haven't heard yet the results.
The doctor also told me that I have a "low lying placenta". Basically my placenta is not up above the baby as it should be, it's down the side, or a little under the baby, closer to my cervix. At this point, I just need to be careful not to lift heavy things and to take it easy while we wait to see if the placenta "migrates" north as my uterus grows. If not, there are other complications possible, not the least of which is early delivery and/or c-section. I'm praying against all of that! Until then, the silver lining is that I get to see my sweet boy in 4 weeks so we can keep an eye on where the placenta is located.
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