Friday, May 9, 2014

30 - 31 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update April 26, 2014

How far along: 31 Weeks.  Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 16.25 inches, 3.3lbs. Apparently they've run out of fruit, because now he's the size of 4 naval oranges.

What developed this past week: Baby's irises can now dilate and respond to changes in light. He's getting more fat cells under his skin and he's becoming more pink than red in color. 

Weight Gain: 24 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: All maternity and Caleb's shirts to sleep in.

Gender: A sweet boy.

Movement: Finally I've felt some hiccups!!  It took until Saturday, April 12, at exactly 29 weeks, but he's had them multiple times since. So sweet. The first time I didn't realize what I was feeling and had my sister in law, Laurie, feeling him "move". It wasn't until he got them again on Wednesday, that I realized he was having hiccups! Tiny movement in the same exact spot over and over... DUH! Should've realized sooner - this isn't my first rodeo... haha  But it is cool that Laurie got to be the first one to feel them with me!  
Also, I've figured out a way to get B2 to move on command... If I lean forward (like elbows on my knees style), apparently he gets squished and doesn't like it! He squirms all around like, "Mom! Hello?! I'm in here! Sit back! I'm running out of space in here as it is!" 

Sleep/Symptoms: Braxton Hicks every day still - usually brought on by strenuous activities (like picking up Bryson) or having a full bladder. :) My back hurts often - any time I shift positions to relieve the pain in one part of my back, it just puts the pressure on a different part and gives a different pain. Still have the round ligament pain near my ribs too... Reclining back in my chair at work with a back support is definitely the most comfortable position to sit in (for both my back and my ribs), so I try to do that as often as possible. 
Still sleeping OK. I wake up to turn over and try to get more comfortable, but don't usually have a problem going back to sleep. I find that I go to sleep on my side, but often wake up on my back. Then I roll to my other side... and sometimes I still roll to my stomach! at 30 weeks! Ridiculous... I can't believe the baby isn't too big for this! As long as I keep my leg pulled up so my hip is off the bed, my hips are turned, and only the top of my stomach is down, I'm good! It's crazy...  

What I miss: Can't think of anything this week.

Cravings: Nothing new.

Best moment this week: The ultrasound and doctor appt I had on April 22! Probably one of the best moments of the whole pregnancy! Laura measured the baby to make sure he is growing appropriately since the last u/s and he is! Here are his measurements at 30w3d:

I hear from someone just about how small I am for X# weeks... But the baby seems to be ok, and my AFI (amount of amniotic fluid) was 10, minimum is 5! So looks like everything is good - maybe baby is just lower in my hips since they're probably wider because a child has passed through them before... I don't know :)

The other BEST news is that my placenta moved!!! When I first looked at the screen to see the placenta Laura was pointing to, I could've sworn I saw a "crack" right beside it which I assumed was my cervix... but luckily for me, I am not the sonographer! haha Laura said, "Nope - your cervix is up here! Everything looks good! You're okay to give birth naturally!" YAY!!! I honestly don't think I stopped smiling for a good 24 hours! 

Baby was still in the head down position, but this time flipped left/right from the last sono. His bum was to my left and feet back to his face on my right. Unfortunately, the kid WOULD NOT move his feet from in front of his face! I tried laying on my side, we shook him around, anything we could to get to move so we could see his sweet face, but to no avail! So these are the pics we got...  don't laugh at my flexi-ankled child. lol
Yes - that's his FOOT, not his hand, over his eyes!
Still such a sweet face!!! Can't wait to see it in person! :)

Not a good profile pic... not sure why THIS is the one Laura chose to print?...
Bryson Update: We got to go to Uncle Jon and Aunt Grace's house (3 hours away) this weekend for Easter... B LOVES them and they LOVE him :)  They spoiled him with an Easter basket of all his favorite goodies!! More balls, a Bengals hat (Uncle Jon's team, not Daddy's Cowboys...), a butterfly net, bubbles, baseball bat/ball, sunglasses, etc! L-O-V-E!

It was so beautiful outside so we spent a lot of time out there playing and coloring Easter eggs then doing Bryson's 1st Easter Egg Hunt! SUCH FUN! The look on his face was priceless each time he'd spot another egg! He'd point and run. Adorable!

The Incredible Hulk
We ended up with lots of broken eggs (that kid is not gentle...), but even more great memories! So happy we got to spend the time relaxing and enjoying our family for the weekend!


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