Pregnancy Update May 30, 2014
How far along: 36 Weeks. Due June 28, 2014.
Size of baby: 18.75 inches, 5.75lbs. The size of a crenshaw melon.
What developed this past week: His organs should be nearly complete - kidneys are developed and liver is functional... he's just packing on the pounds now!
Weight Gain: 30 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Definitely.
Gender: Another sweet boy, whom I can't wait to meet!
Movement: Moves all the time! Hiccups probably 1-2 times a week too.
Sleep/Symptoms: Sleeping well - Can't complain! I wake up more because of my husbands snoring, or Bryson's moving, not the need to pee or an overactive pregnancy brain...
I did have another migraine in week 35... almost passed out at work. Went home after my vision came back and felt much better after a nap.
Another new-ish symptom I have frequently is the blood rush down my legs. This child is apparently heavy enough now to pinch a nerve or cut off blood supply, then when he moves or I move, it feels almost like I'm peeing myself because it's a warm rush down my inner thigh! lol That's super fun at work....
What I miss: Not having Braxton Hicks contractions. They are starting to get much more frequent AND more painful. Seems anything, or nothing, can bring them on. Sometimes I have to stop moving and wait for it to pass, other times I can keep going.
Cravings: I don't turn much away...
Best moment this week: Doctor visits weekly now and another ultrasound!
Baby did a LITTLE better this time - only put his HAND in front of his face, not his foot... lol Again, we had to shake him up and I turned on my side just to get a quick picture without his hand!
Had my Group B strep test done at my 35 week appointment. I had GBS with Bryson, so we'll see how it comes back this time!
Bryson Update: Bryson has a new artistic talent... coloring!... on walls!
It's a dinosaur!! "ROAR!!" B says...
Worst part about this is that it's not at our house... Maybe he was showing off for Emma, but I'm SO glad Aunt Jessy was totally cool about this work of art being drawn on her dining room wall! Apparently crayon comes off paint with magic eraser! I'm sure that piece of knowledge will come in handy at my house soon too!
And I love the below picture because it just looks like the epitome of the awkward first kiss where no one knows what to do with their hands... or where to look! HAHAHA
These kids are so loving, it's adorable :)
On Mother's Day, Bryson, Daddy, and I went to the zoo for the first time this year! B had a BLAST! It's so fun to watch him recognize animals and make their noises. As soon as we came around the corner to the monkeys, he started saying "EE EE EE!" and making their sign. He also loved the zebras, jaguar, giraffe, etc.
We also went on family vacation this week. Too many pics to include in this post...
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