Tuesday, September 11, 2012

29 Weeks

Pregnancy Update September 10, 2012

How far along: 29 weeks. 77 days left!

Size of baby: 15.25 inches, 2.5 lbs. - A "Butternut Squash" 

What developed this past week: Everything is getting bigger, including his head to accommodate his developing brain. His bones are also hardening, with 250mg of calcium a day deposited into his hardening skeleton.

Weight Gain: 24.2 pounds. Took a week off from gaining somehow!

Maternity clothes: All maternity. 

Gender: IT'S A BOY! "Bryson Nicholas"

Movement: The past few days I feel like he's been awake and moving ALL day! Not sure what the deal is - I'm not doing anything differently as far as food/beverage choices... Good news is that other people have been able to see/feel him more!

Sleep: Sleeping well - got another 11-hour night on Saturday! Unfortunately, I followed it up by a 6-hour night. Guess it averages... :)

What I miss: Not dreading things like sneezing and stairs, which sometimes bring on Braxton Hicks contractions... Really any time I overexert myself, or by the time I get to the end of a long day, I get a few BH. Not painful, just uncomfortable!

Cravings: Nothing new.

Best moment this week: Our first childbirth class! I think Caleb got more of an appreciation of the hard work my body is doing, the weight it's carrying, and a better understanding of what is going on internally (organs shifting, why I eat smaller portions, pee more often, etc). Next week we have to watch the dreaded childbirth VIDEO! That should be interesting... yikes!
I also had [another] doctor appointment. I feel like I'm always there with this every-other-week schedule! Listened to Mr. Bryson's heart, which was beating strong, and measured my belly - came in at 28 weeks - right on track (despite the fact that I STILL hear every week how small my belly is)! BP and everything else checked looks good, so going back in 2 weeks to check again.
The BEST part of this week was, of course, the WONDERFUL baby shower my in-laws threw for me!! The details and pics will be coming in a separate post, but suffice it to say that every last details was thought of and everyone had a great time! So many gifts - we are overly blessed!
My gorgeous hostesses:
Thank you girls SOO MUCH!

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery all set up and ready for Bryson! After this shower, we have the crib mattress (Thank you Kujawas!) and a beautiful piece of art my sister made in coordinating colors to hang in the nursery. Will be so nice to have the room finished!
Here's a teaser picture:

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