Wednesday, September 26, 2012

31 Weeks

Pregnancy Update September 24, 2012

How far along: 31 weeks! 63 days left... 

Size of baby: 16.25 inches, 3.3 lbs. - "4 naval oranges" (They've apparently run out of new fruit and now are just quadrupling already used fruits).

What developed this past week: Bryson is gaining more baby fat and his skin is turning more pink, less red and not as translucent. Now his irises can dilate and respond to changes in light and he can turn his head from side to side. He will double to triple in size in the coming weeks!

Weight Gain: 29.2 pounds. Spent the weekend at my Grandma's house, surrounded by food... not good news. Probably didn't help that I drank almost a gallon of apple cider by myself within a week!

Maternity clothes: All maternity.

Gender: HE'S A BOY! "Bryson Nicholas"
(Bryson means "smart", Nicholas means "winner" or "victory of the people")

Movement: He's still most active while I'm lying/sitting still. I read that he's now sleeping for 20-40 minutes at a time, as a newborn does. His body parts are getting bigger and a little easier to decipher through my belly (though it's always just a guess), so it's fun trying to guess what position he's in. I've felt kicks out my sides now too - such a crazy sensation! He's had hiccups multiple times, often I feel them pretty low, but I've also felt them up towards my belly button. My mom & Caleb got to feel them this week. A couple times he's had them when I woke up in the morning, other times it's been in the evening around 8pm.

Sleep: I've been waking up half an hour or so before my alarm goes off, which is terribly annoying. Worst part is that I've been feeling much more tired during the day at work. I hear these last 2 months can be exhausting because baby is growing so fast! So it seems I may actually get this pregnancy symptom (exhaustion) that I've avoided for so long. I'm trying to go to bed earlier to try to keep it at bay...

What I miss: Not feeling a knife in my upper right abs/bottom ribs. I will not miss this pain.

Cravings: Nothing.

Best moment this week: Seeing my relatives. So fun to have them feel and see Bryson moving around. Mom also had a baby shower for me at Grandma's house with all of my mom's family. It was wonderful and everyone was so generous! I will go into more detail in a separate post.

We had Childbirth Class #3 this week. We practiced some relaxation techniques and learned good information about pain medications and the actual birth part. Only one more class!

I had my 30w5d doctor appointment on Friday, the 21st. Everything went pretty well - I still look good and am displaying no signs of preterm labor or complications. Only thing weird was my belly measured just 26 weeks (*last appt was 28w - on track). My doctor thinks the baby was laying transverse (which I think he often does) and it just wasn't an accurate measurement. She also said that I may just hide him well and carry him differently than others because of my proportions and height. She wasn't worried about it, but said that instead of going off the tape measurement, she'd like to do an ultrasound to get a more accurate size/weight. I have NO problem with this! :) She offered to do the sono right then, but said I could wait until the next appt if I wanted... I selfishly wanted to do it right away, but knew I'd already invited my mother-in-law to the next appt. This will be SO much more fun for her to see than a normal quick check! And my husband will get to come to see our little boy too! So I am scheduled for Oct 3rd at 4pm!

What I am looking forward to: 
Putting more shower stuff away in the nursery and hanging all the artwork! I got ADORABLE wall art from my cousin, Jess, that has a giraffe with a blue background and says, "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made".  LOVE it! Gotta find a special place for it!

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