Thursday, June 26, 2014

39 - 40 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update June 28, 2014

Saying "cheese!" 39w5d. 6-25-14

How far along: 40 Weeks.  Due June 28, 2014!!

Size of baby: 20 inches, 7.5lbs. The size of a small pumpkin.

What developed this past week: Baby is building fat and getting rid of the vernix and lanugo (skin protector stuff and hair) that cover his skin, in preparation for not needing them on the outside! 

Weight Gain: 35 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: Even maternity clothes aren't always comfortable at this point. Just the pants - the belly panels are always squeezing me (if full belly) or his head (if demi panel). 

Gender: A second son!

Movement: Moves a lot. Has had his feet to my left for 6-8 weeks, but this last week, he flipped back to the right. Now I'm back to getting foot jabs out my right side! Doesn't seem to matter which way his feet aim, my right ribs are ALWAYS the brunt of his pushing, whether with his bum or his feet! 

Sleep/Symptoms: Still getting lots of sleep and happy about it. Got a migraine on Sunday, the 22nd - was hoping it meant my hormones were changing (and inducing the migraine), but no such luck on going into labor! Bending over (like to blow dry my hair) cuts off circulation to my legs and makes them tingle. Had ONE evening of mild swelling on the inside of my ankles. Thursday, the 19th, after working all day, I carried my 30lb son around multiple stores to run some errands for a few hours. When I got home, I was appalled by my missing ankle bones! Luckily, they were back my morning and nothing like that has happened again.  

What I miss: Having time on my side - my nursery is still not ready! The wall Caleb is building is not finished, and therefore all the furniture is still in the box and I can't even begin to get a handle on what I still need as far as wall art, a chair, etc. I don't want the room to be overcrowded (it's a little smaller to begin with), so I'm trying to wait to order everything (other than crib/dresser) until I can set up the furniture I already have. I don't want to feel like the walls are closing in on me with every square inch covered. 

Cravings: Still enjoying everything. Fruit is delicious and I eat plenty of it, but probably more because it's that time of year!  

Best moment this week: At my 39 week appointment, the baby's heart rate was in the 140s and I measured 36.5 (@ 38w5d - Wednesday, the 18th). I was 1cm dilated and still posterior, not effacing. Baby's head was down. At this appointment, Dr V said she would have me come back on Monday so she could see if I've made any more progress and we could schedule an induction for the week of my due date if we wanted!!
At the next appt, 5 days later (39w3d), I measured 37 weeks and baby's heart rate was still around 148-152. Dr. V checked me and said the baby is further down, but still only 1cm and posterior. Dr V said we could schedule an induction for Tuesday (the next day) if we want, or I could wait until Thursday or Saturday for one of my two doctors to be in the hospital again. It's kind of scary to choose which day you want to put yourself through labor and delivery! I called Caleb and we talked through it... first of all, Dr V preferred that I induce, vs waiting for him to come on his own time, because I have GBS. This will give us a more controlled situation where we will almost surely get all the medicine administered in time (antibiotics every 4 hours, needed twice before he comes, otherwise baby has to get dosed). On top of that major plus for the baby, I will also have one of my two doctors, as opposed to someone from the hospital or another practice who is on call - major plus for mama!
In the end, Caleb and I decided to induce ON his due date, the 28th,  if he doesn't show up before then! Doctor said he is definitely ready (since he's full term), so that gives us 5 more days from the appointment to prepare (dilate/efface more). Doctor said the closer I am to my due date, the more ready my body will be, and therefore my labor will hopefully go quicker/better! I'm all for that! No need to rush him out if he and my body aren't ready! I'll gladly have a few more full nights of sleep, even if it comes at the expense of having to go back to work after taking Friday/Monday off to get stuff done! :) It's only 3 days, as I'm taking Friday off to finish up preparing, resting, and playing with Bryson for the last day as my only child!

Bryson Update: Bryson is a climber these days! All over everything! He has a new play gym with a slide that he loves!

I'm sure it will be very fun and SCARY to take him to the park this summer! Kid doesn't have much fear... though ironically, he doesn't prefer the swing! Must be too tame for his wild ways ;)

Here's our first trip to the local park - on Father's Day!

Some pics of Daddy opening his gifts on Father's Day:
New 8x10 pictures of us for his office

He also got a couple golf shirts, under shirts, and pens

This week we got out our baby stuff from the attic so I could wash all the covers...
Bryson decided to be a good big brother and try them out - make sure they are comfortable and safe for little bro! :)

Bryson has also realized he's graduating to "Big" brother in that he wants to sit at the big table, not in his highchair for snacks now. SO BIG!! I can't believe it!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

34 - 36 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update May 30, 2014

How far along: 36 Weeks.  Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 18.75 inches, 5.75lbs. The size of a crenshaw melon.

What developed this past week: His organs should be nearly complete - kidneys are developed and liver is functional... he's just packing on the pounds now!

Weight Gain: 30 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: Definitely.

Gender: Another sweet boy, whom I can't wait to meet!  

Movement: Moves all the time! Hiccups probably 1-2 times a week too.

Sleep/Symptoms: Sleeping well - Can't complain! I wake up more because of my husbands snoring, or Bryson's moving, not the need to pee or an overactive pregnancy brain... 
I did have another migraine in week 35... almost passed out at work. Went home after my vision came back and felt much better after a nap.
Another new-ish symptom I have frequently is the blood rush down my legs. This child is apparently heavy enough now to pinch a nerve or cut off blood supply, then when he moves or I move, it feels almost like I'm peeing myself because it's a warm rush down my inner thigh! lol  That's super fun at work....

What I miss: Not having Braxton Hicks contractions. They are starting to get much more frequent AND more painful. Seems anything, or nothing, can bring them on. Sometimes I have to stop moving and wait for it to pass, other times I can keep going.

Cravings: I don't turn much away... 

Best moment this week: Doctor visits weekly now and another ultrasound!
Baby did a LITTLE better this time - only put his HAND in front of his face, not his foot... lol Again, we had to shake him up and I turned on my side just to get a quick picture without his hand!

He was still upper 30th percentile, but as long as he is not under 20%, he's OK.
Had my Group B strep test done at my 35 week appointment. I had GBS with Bryson, so we'll see how it comes back this time!

Bryson Update: Bryson has a new artistic talent... coloring!... on walls!
It's a dinosaur!! "ROAR!!" B says...

Worst part about this is that it's not at our house... Maybe he was showing off for Emma, but I'm SO glad Aunt Jessy was totally cool about this work of art being drawn on her dining room wall! Apparently crayon comes off paint with magic eraser! I'm sure that piece of knowledge will come in handy at my house soon too!
And I love the below picture because it just looks like the epitome of the awkward first kiss where no one knows what to do with their hands... or where to look! HAHAHA
These kids are so loving, it's adorable :)

On Mother's Day, Bryson, Daddy, and I went to the zoo for the first time this year! B had a BLAST! It's so fun to watch him recognize animals and make their noises. As soon as we came around the corner to the monkeys, he started saying "EE EE EE!" and making their sign. He also loved the zebras, jaguar, giraffe, etc. 

We also went on family vacation this week. Too many pics to include in this post...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

37 - 38 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update June 14, 2014

A note from 37 weeks first: Dr appt - heart beat was 148. He measured 34 weeks ( though I was 36w4d). He's 34th percentile and 6lbs 2oz.

How far along: 38 Weeks.  Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 19.75 inches, 6.8lbs. The size of a leek.

What developed this past week: Just growing and continuing to practice breathing and digesting.

Weight Gain: 34 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: Of course.

Gender: A brother for B. Nick.  

Movement: Moves a ton. He's big enough that I can feel him fall from one side to the other when I lay down on my side at night. 

Sleep/Symptoms: I'm getting a lot more leg and foot cramps, especially at night. Probably 1-2 times a week I wake up in the middle of the night and get one when I move my legs. They don't last long, but aren't comfortable for sure!
The weird "symptom" or lack thereof, is that I was getting tons of Braxton Hicks contractions, and now I'm not. They definitely still happen, but more just when I do something to induce it, like climb the stairs at work. I had been getting them frequently while I was just sitting still! I guess I shouldn't complain, considering I wanted fewer when I was having them... But now that I'm not, I want them back because it makes me feel like nothing is happening in there and he never wants to come out! lol The contractions are "practice", but still they've got to be doing something to help my body prepare. If I don't dilate/efface in a timely fashion, I'm blaming my lack of contractions!  

What I miss: Snuggling close with Bryson. He hasn't sat on my lap to read a book in a LONG time. He has to sit beside me so I can put my arm around him. It'll be nice to hold him tight again!

Cravings: Anything is yummy. 

Best moment this week: Had another ultrasound on 6/4. This is the 3rd one in 9 weeks (every 3 weeks). Each time we go, he's been facing the opposite way, but still head down. He was facing left, then right, now back to left (with his feet to my left side). That bum is all up in my right rib cage! Sometimes I have to keep my hand on him to hold him down.

I told the sonographer that I was REALLY hoping to get a glimpse of baby's face this time, as the last two times he kept his foot or hand up in the way... ironically, he did show us his face, BUT it was pressed up against my uterus and therefore had a squished nose! This kid is determined that we won't get a good look at him until he comes out!

Squished nose and fluid all around his chin/neck. Ugh!

This time he measured in the 34th percentile for the sono, and 35 weeks 

He was still upper 30th percentile, but as long as he is not under 20%, he's OK.
Had my Group B strep test done at my 35 week appointment. I had GBS with Bryson, so we'll see how it comes back this time!

Bryson Update: Bryson has a new artistic talent... coloring!... on walls!
It's a dinosaur!! "ROAR!!" B says...

Worst part about this is that it's not at our house... Maybe he was showing off for Emma, but I'm SO glad Aunt Jessy was totally cool about this work of art being drawn on her dining room wall! Apparently crayon comes off paint with magic eraser! I'm sure that piece of knowledge will come in handy at my house soon too!
And I love the below picture because it just looks like the epitome of the awkward first kiss where no one knows what to do with their hands... or where to look! HAHAHA
These kids are so loving, it's adorable :)

Bryson does age 3+ puzzles and loves to play outside. He's also putting 2 words together at a time now (18 months old).

On Mother's Day, Bryson, Daddy, and I went to the zoo for the first time this year! B had a BLAST! It's so fun to watch him recognize animals and make their noises. As soon as we came around the corner to the monkeys, he started saying "EE EE EE!" and making their motion. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

32 - 33 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update May 10, 2014

Thanks to my SIL, Erica, for the shirt! I am amazed it fit her with twins, yet just barely fits my singleton baby belly! I'm claiming the 8 inch height difference! lol
How far along: 33 Weeks.  Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 17 inches, 4.25lbs. The size of a pineapple!

What developed this past week: Baby's skeleton is hardening, though the skull will not fuse together completely, but will overlap allowing for continued growth all the way up until early adulthood! He will put on about half a pound per week over the next four weeks, then the rapid weight gain will slow for the final few weeks. 

Weight Gain: 27 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: This question is a joke at this point :). When I do try to wear my own tee shirts, I have to make sure my yoga pants go up high enough so I don't have to be pulling my shirt down all the time to be sure my belly is covered. So basically, I just wear maternity. Makes things easier :)

Gender: Another wonderful boy! I am SO interested to see if he's a "Farrell boy" - sports-aholic, risk-his-life-for-a-ball boy (like Bryson is)... or if he's more like me and will gladly shield his face at the cost of dropping a ball. haha Oh the things I never thought I'd be thinking about! 

Movement: I know I've said it before, but this kid goes crazy at night! To prove it, I got a video on May 8 (at 32w6d) of him rolling around while I was relaxing on the couch at 10pm. He must have plenty of room in there, because these aren't just swift kicks and punches, they are body rolls! 

Sleep/Symptoms: Sleeping okay still - no insomnia and no middle-of-the-night bathroom trips! I love it! I know many women who were not blessed with good sleeping abilities while pregnant - I don't take it for granted! I can't imagine how women function with little ones at home, AND a exhausted-no-sleep pregnant body!! No thanks!
I still haven't gotten out my snoogle, though I'm on the verge because I've kinda squished the life out of my throw pillows - apparently I have strong knees... lol

What I miss: Just sitting comfortably at work. I have to take breaks to stand every few hours because my back and the top of my round ligament (which I always refer to as my ribs) ache rather badly. 

Cravings: I don't think I've said that I've been enjoying gala apples lately - especially with cheese! MMM... Just saying it out loud makes me want one RIGHT NOW.

Best moment this week: I had another doctor appointment, as I'm biweekly now... I measured on track at 32 weeks and baby's heart rate was good! (130-140s if I remember correctly?) 

Randomly, after seeing Dr Wise on Tuesday, Wednesday I got a phone call from the nurse saying that Dr V was ordering a follow up ultrasound for my next appointment (3 weeks after the prior u/s). I'm happy to know that both doctors keep up on my charts, though I only see one at a time! Dr V is more conservative than Dr W, so I made sure my next appointment is with her, following the u/s, considering she's the one who ordered it. I'm going to clarify that this is why, but last I heard, Dr V had said that she wants to follow/track the baby's growth because of my 1st trimester hematoma. I've never heard of that before, but that's why she gets paid the big bucks and I don't! She's been doing OB for more years than I've been alive (she delivered me 28 yrs ago!), so I surely trust her to not be doing unnecessary testing, but to be cautious and conservative. I much prefer caution to the alternative! So far, no reason to think anything is wrong, though the baby has been smaller than Bryson was, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to keep checking on him to ensure nothing goes wrong and isn't found in time...  Selfishly, since we get another chance at it, I'm HOPING B2 doesn't have his foot in front of his face on Friday so I can see those sweet cheeks!!! I 

Bryson Update: B has been up to so many new things recently... Many pride-inducing mama moments! :) For one, he's become a pro at doing puzzles! I've had a few puzzles with 4 pieces each that have basically served as chew toys for the past 8 months. I'm glad we've finally moved on from that and recognize their true value in education! :) I'm going to have to get smaller or more-piece puzzles for him soon to keep that brilliant mind going strong!
Another CRAZY new development is B's urge to learn to use the potty! At 17 months old, I'm sure this will be awhile, but he has the start of it down! He grabs his diaper every time he is [already] going to the bathroom and when asked if he is going or needs to go potty, he RUNS to the bathroom! It's wonderful! I was not prepared this early, so I need to buy him a potty before he loses interest. We've been putting him on the big potty with the seat down and clothes on (just to get him in the habit), because he freaks out if you try to set him on it lid-open, clothes off. Apparently, my man who is afraid of next to nothing, is afraid of falling in! :) 

For grins and giggles, I'll post the videos I took (in the car) of Bryson practicing saying, "Cockadoodledoo!" and him shouting for his BFF, "Emma!"

If anyone brings up Emma, he SHOUTS her name until distracted! hahah When we were in Target on Saturday, Bryson randomly thought of Emma and began shouting her name all through the store! I had to keep telling him she wasn't here and to shhh!! hahaha He's too cute! 

We did a few fun things over the weekend too - #1, Just Bryson and Mommy went to Tim Horton's for a date Saturday morning! He's never had a muffin and I wanted to spoil him with some one-on-one time, as those weekends are quickly coming to an end! Daddy was busy at work, so the timing was great. We had almost the whole place to ourselves, only one other table of women there. Because it was so empty, I let Bryson get down from our reading in front of the fire place and explore. He loved to run down the hallway from the bathroom into my arms as hard as he could! So sweet. A few times he decided it'd be fun to chat with the other women and workers. Everyone said how cute he was and asked me when I'm due with B2.
Bryson LOVED his fruit explosion muffin and I loved my chocolate chip muffin and french vanilla cappuccino (what B doesn't know won't hurt him lol).

After a good nap, we went to Daddy's playoff flag football game! Bryson was THRILLED when we got there early and I let him walk out onto the field, quarterback shirt on and ball in hand!

Unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of Daddy and Bryson looking at me or playing together!
This kid has an arm. Often he has two arms! Switches it up! Ambidextrous still and fairly equally skilled on both sides!
Uncle Greg was teaching him how to hold his hands to catch the ball
During the game, Bryson kept pointing down to the field asking (in grunts and points) if he could go back down and play! He'd also point and say "ball" each time the team lined up with the ball on the line. And of course, he noticed Daddy playing quarterback and pointed and said "Dada!" each time he saw him! TRUE LOVE.
To hold Bryson over while Daddy was busy downstairs, taking up the whole field... Bryson had cousins playing football (toss) with him! He LOVED it and pretty much played the whole hour, with a few stops to check on Daddy's game. I may need to look into what to do for addictive personalities before it gets too bad... lol

Friday, May 9, 2014

30 - 31 Weeks - Baby 2

Pregnancy Update April 26, 2014

How far along: 31 Weeks.  Due June 28, 2014.

Size of baby: 16.25 inches, 3.3lbs. Apparently they've run out of fruit, because now he's the size of 4 naval oranges.

What developed this past week: Baby's irises can now dilate and respond to changes in light. He's getting more fat cells under his skin and he's becoming more pink than red in color. 

Weight Gain: 24 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: All maternity and Caleb's shirts to sleep in.

Gender: A sweet boy.

Movement: Finally I've felt some hiccups!!  It took until Saturday, April 12, at exactly 29 weeks, but he's had them multiple times since. So sweet. The first time I didn't realize what I was feeling and had my sister in law, Laurie, feeling him "move". It wasn't until he got them again on Wednesday, that I realized he was having hiccups! Tiny movement in the same exact spot over and over... DUH! Should've realized sooner - this isn't my first rodeo... haha  But it is cool that Laurie got to be the first one to feel them with me!  
Also, I've figured out a way to get B2 to move on command... If I lean forward (like elbows on my knees style), apparently he gets squished and doesn't like it! He squirms all around like, "Mom! Hello?! I'm in here! Sit back! I'm running out of space in here as it is!" 

Sleep/Symptoms: Braxton Hicks every day still - usually brought on by strenuous activities (like picking up Bryson) or having a full bladder. :) My back hurts often - any time I shift positions to relieve the pain in one part of my back, it just puts the pressure on a different part and gives a different pain. Still have the round ligament pain near my ribs too... Reclining back in my chair at work with a back support is definitely the most comfortable position to sit in (for both my back and my ribs), so I try to do that as often as possible. 
Still sleeping OK. I wake up to turn over and try to get more comfortable, but don't usually have a problem going back to sleep. I find that I go to sleep on my side, but often wake up on my back. Then I roll to my other side... and sometimes I still roll to my stomach! at 30 weeks! Ridiculous... I can't believe the baby isn't too big for this! As long as I keep my leg pulled up so my hip is off the bed, my hips are turned, and only the top of my stomach is down, I'm good! It's crazy...  

What I miss: Can't think of anything this week.

Cravings: Nothing new.

Best moment this week: The ultrasound and doctor appt I had on April 22! Probably one of the best moments of the whole pregnancy! Laura measured the baby to make sure he is growing appropriately since the last u/s and he is! Here are his measurements at 30w3d:

I hear from someone just about how small I am for X# weeks... But the baby seems to be ok, and my AFI (amount of amniotic fluid) was 10, minimum is 5! So looks like everything is good - maybe baby is just lower in my hips since they're probably wider because a child has passed through them before... I don't know :)

The other BEST news is that my placenta moved!!! When I first looked at the screen to see the placenta Laura was pointing to, I could've sworn I saw a "crack" right beside it which I assumed was my cervix... but luckily for me, I am not the sonographer! haha Laura said, "Nope - your cervix is up here! Everything looks good! You're okay to give birth naturally!" YAY!!! I honestly don't think I stopped smiling for a good 24 hours! 

Baby was still in the head down position, but this time flipped left/right from the last sono. His bum was to my left and feet back to his face on my right. Unfortunately, the kid WOULD NOT move his feet from in front of his face! I tried laying on my side, we shook him around, anything we could to get to move so we could see his sweet face, but to no avail! So these are the pics we got...  don't laugh at my flexi-ankled child. lol
Yes - that's his FOOT, not his hand, over his eyes!
Still such a sweet face!!! Can't wait to see it in person! :)

Not a good profile pic... not sure why THIS is the one Laura chose to print?...
Bryson Update: We got to go to Uncle Jon and Aunt Grace's house (3 hours away) this weekend for Easter... B LOVES them and they LOVE him :)  They spoiled him with an Easter basket of all his favorite goodies!! More balls, a Bengals hat (Uncle Jon's team, not Daddy's Cowboys...), a butterfly net, bubbles, baseball bat/ball, sunglasses, etc! L-O-V-E!

It was so beautiful outside so we spent a lot of time out there playing and coloring Easter eggs then doing Bryson's 1st Easter Egg Hunt! SUCH FUN! The look on his face was priceless each time he'd spot another egg! He'd point and run. Adorable!

The Incredible Hulk
We ended up with lots of broken eggs (that kid is not gentle...), but even more great memories! So happy we got to spend the time relaxing and enjoying our family for the weekend!