How far along: 23 Weeks! Due June 28, 2014.
Size of baby: 11.5 inches, 1.1lbs. A large mango.
What developed this past week: Baby is now more proportioned from head size to body and is moving all the time. Braxton Hicks contractions could start at any time.
Weight Gain: 16.8 pounds. So I thought I'd do better this week... and I did/do eat a LOT of fruit and veggies... but unfortunately, while on vacation in Florida, there was plenty of candy and ice cream to be had! I blame my Aunt and Uncle for having it around vs. myself for the lack of self-control! :)
Maternity clothes: Only the big hoodies and draw string pants still fit me. Pretty soon it'll be only maternity or Caleb's shirts!
Gender: A boy with no name! :(
Movement: Baby 2 moves a lot, but I especially notice it in the evenings when I'm finally sitting still. I told this to Caleb a few days ago, and he said that I said that exact same thing when I was pregnant with Bryson. The fun part is that others can feel him often too! Caleb asked if he was playing soccer in there last time he was feeling B2 go crazy... ironic because I remember him asking that about Bryson too!
Sleep/Symptoms: Not so good recently. I wake up often and can't always go back to sleep right away. I'm not terribly uncomfortable, I'm not far enough yet to blame a big belly, and I'm not even peeing in the middle of the night! Not sure what the problem is.
I still have crazy dreams and once Caleb's alarm goes off at 6:30, I have a really hard time going back to sleep, though I don't have to get up until 7-7:30! I hate that I waste the time tossing and turning and just about fall asleep when my alarm goes off! A few times I just get up, but I'd really rather get the sleep I know I need!
What I miss: I'm getting to the point where I can't sleep on my belly! I can sometimes find a way to prop myself just right, but mostly, I've stopped trying! I'm gonna miss the belly sleeping!!
Cravings: Nothing specific.
Best moment this week: Going on vacation for a week with Bryson and my Mom and Grandma! So much fun in the sun and pool!!! Will put a couple pictures in another post for us to remember our vacation by! :)
I'm also looking forward to my doctor appoint on Monday (3rd) to see my little guy again and to find out what's going on with my placenta! I'm hoping it will have moved north and shows hope of getting out of the way for a natural delivery!
Bryson's 15 month appointment is on Wednesday, the 5th, and we're not looking forward to the shots, but definitely are excited to see how he's doing otherwise!
Bryson Update: Bryson is learning a million things each day! He now can identify tons of animals (he'll point to the correct animal that I ask him to show me when we read his animal books) and many of his body parts! He knows: Hair, ears, eyes, cheeks, tongue, belly, fingers, knees, toes...
He's OBSESSED with his daddy! Every day on vacation, the first thing he would do when he saw my phone was to pick it up and say, "dada??" and then blabber on with the phone between his shoulder and ear! TOO FUNNY!!!! Now that we're home, each morning (and many more times throughout the day), when I get him out of bed, he puts his little hand out in a questioning way and asks, "dada?" So then I tell him Daddy's at work already. This week, he asked for Dada, then pointed to the pictures on his wall and wanted to point out Dada on EVERY ONE OF THEM, more than once. lol I'm glad he's so in love!
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