How far along: 25 Weeks. Due June 28, 2014.
Size of baby: 13.5 inches, 1.5 lbs. A rutabaga.
What developed this past week: Body parts are becoming more proportional to each other. Baby fat is filling in baby's wrinkled skin and his hair is growing and developing color and texture.
Uterus is now the size of a soccer ball!
Pregnancy Update March 22, 2014
How far along: 26 Weeks. Due June 28, 2014.
Size of baby: 14 inches, 1.75 lbs. A hothouse cucumber.
What developed this past week: Baby's lungs and brain are much more developed. He can probably detect light and dark, and can also hear outside noises.
Pregnancy Update March 29, 2014
How far along: 27 Weeks. Due June 28, 2014.
Size of baby: 14.5 inches, 2 lbs. A cauliflower.
What developed this past week: This week baby looks like a thinner, redder, more wrinkled version of what he will look like at birth. His immune system is continuing to mature, as are his lungs which are still practicing breathing amniotic fluid.
What happened this week: We had a doctor appt on Thursday, March 27th for all the normal stuff, plus the gestational diabetes test. I'm happy to report that the sugar drink doesn't bother me at all and the test came back fine. They also checked my iron from that blood draw and said that it is slightly low (as it was with Bryson), so to begin taking iron supplements. Baby's heart rate was in the 140's and he measured on track at 26 weeks.
My appt this time was with Dr V (last appt was with Dr W). I wanted to asked Dr V if she agreed with Dr W's thinking that we can check the placenta situation at the very end, and not anytime before then (unless there's bleeding). BUT before I could even ask her, she said that based on my last sono, she wants to check it again around 32 weeks, then again at the end (38ish weeks) to determine final answer on c-section. I know there is nothing I can do to MOVE the placenta, but I'd like to get an update before the final day... give me some time to mentally prepare. Dr V actually used those same words when saying we'll do a 32 week sono - "so you can mentally prepare if it's not moving". I'm glad she realizes that it's not just an every day thing for people to hear they may have a c-section and it IS a big deal (at least to some of us!) though the doctor has performed hundreds.
How I'm feeling: I'm sleeping well off and on... but I always wake up with a stiff back that needs to be stretched out/popped. My belly is getting heavy enough that when I sleep on my side without a wedge pillow propping it, my round ligament aches from trying to hold up this heavy boy! Unfortunately, I've tried two wedge pillows and both were awful (BRU and Boppy brand). So I've been using a throw pillow and debating getting out my snoogle. In other back news, I definitely hurt more quickly and do my best to not bend over for any reason (hard with a kid who wants picked up and who has tons of toys on the floor!).
I've started getting more calf cramps, but I can usually get them worked out before they are too bad.
The biggest "problem" I have during my pregnancies has been a horrible burning/aching pain in my ribs. I can't remember exactly when it started with Bryson, but it started around 25 weeks or so with this little boy... on both sides this time, though still worse on the right. I'm not sure what the pain actually is, but I think it's to do with all my organs being shoved into my ribs. It almost feels like severe muscle pain (like you get from working out), but it's in my ribs (under bra line) and is worse when I sit a lot or lean forward. I'm not looking forward to it getting worse and more consistent... gotta have some motivation to push the kid out ;) lol
Bryson Update: Bryson FINALLY got another hair cut on Saturday the 29th. This kid acts like we're trying to cut his head off, not his hair... It's not even that he's scared. He just doesn't want us to hold him still. We have to pin his head against my chest while she cuts around his ears and neck, and he has crocodile tears... oh brother. lol
I couldn't get great pictures because Bryson doesn't stand still, but here are a couple:
Picking up the second ball... of course :) |
And to compare to what he looked like 5 months ago when his hair would stand on end WITHOUT static...
He's too cute!
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